doi:CNKI:SUN:CLKJ.0.2003-05-001F XiaoL Fang材料科学技术(英文版)XIAO Feng,FANG Liang,Measurement and analysis of molten Ni-Co-Al alloy density[J].J Mater Sci Technol,2003,19(5):388-390.
Yang Liu, Changjun Han, Yuchao Bai.InfluenceMechanism of Process Parameters on Relative Density, Microstructure, and Mechanical Properties of Low Sc-Content Al-Mg-Sc-Zr Alloy Fabricated by Selective Laser Melting.Chinese Journ...
近日,来自同济大学的王超研究员团队与华中科技大学的黄云辉教授合作,在国际知名期刊Advanced Energy Materials上发表题为“Sustainable Prelithiation Strategy: Enhancing Energy Density and Lifespan with Ultrathin Li-Mg-Al Alloy Foil的研究论文。该论文讨论了在pack级别预锂化对电池的循环寿命以及能量密度的预期影响,提...
英文摘要 The effects of small additions of calcium (0.1% and 0.5%1) on the dynamic recrystallization behavior and mechanical properties of as-extruded Mg-1Mn-0.5Al alloys were investigated. Calcium microalloying led to the form... U–Al alloy U–Al alloy is produced directly by melting and casting proper amounts of U and Al metal together, which determines the U density in the alloy. For a plate-type fuel, the alloy melt is poured into graphite molds to produce cast alloy slabs. Each monolithic slab...
Aluminum alloys play an important role in circular metallurgy due to their good recyclability and 95% energy gain when made from scrap. Their low density and high strength translate linearly to lower greenhouse gas emissions in transportation, and their
图7. (a) SEM micrograph of the 30Ni2Ti2Ta alloy and (b) corresponding schematic diagram, showing that high-density γ′ precipitates divide the γ phase into nanoscale channels. (c) Ion maps of reconstructed nanotips by APT. (d) Proximity histograms across the γ/γ′ interfaces, showing ...
In addition, the low density of aluminium results in a lightweight profile compared to other materials, which is easy to handle down the supply chain, as well as being cheaper and more environmentally friendly to transport.How to change the design...
(Fig.4c). Dislocations in the as-printed state do not play a significant role in strengthening the alloy. TEM experiments (Supplementary Fig.7) show a moderate dislocation densityρdisl4.7 × 1013 m−2 ~ 1.0 × 1014 m−2. Therefore, strengthening contribution from ...
钠金属电池因其能量密度高、资源丰富等优势被认为是一种极具前景的电化学储能技术,然而在高面容量下实现电池持续运行是阻碍该系统应用的关键科学问题。 近日,郑州大学陈卫华教授和盖军民研究员等人在Science China Materials发表研究论文,通过工业电镀策略在商业化的铝箔集流体表面精心设计了二维锡/钠锡合金涂层。