Established in 1981, Al Ain Farms is one of the leading Dairy Companies in the UAE. We are considered as the largest and the most preferred brand for Fresh Juices, Camel Milk & Poultry Products in the UAE.
Being the first dairy company in the UAE, Al Ain Farms has undertaken a pivotal role in ensuring the finest food products to the people of the country. All our products are made with love, locally, in Al Ain, the heart of the UAE, and delivered fresh around the country on a daily ...
阿联酋Al Ain Farms公司 我要认领 地址: 基本信息 企业名称: 阿联酋Al Ain Farms公司 提醒: 可能因企业资料变更未及时更新造成与实际登记有差别,请以国家部门核准登记的为准。企业品牌身份信息由CNPP企业身份认证系统提供(认证完全免费不收取任何费用)。网站对所展示信息真实性的"风险提醒"服务,旨在帮助消费者选...
Dr. RoulaShaabansaid; “While we congratulate the winners, it must be said that all the participants from the local farms have exceeded our expectations, and truly deserve the recognition in the Al Ain Farms Bovine Competition. It has been a privilege for me to judge this contest, and to ...
< 这个LOGO在阿联酋每个超市都随处可见 > Al Ain的主流产品 Al Ain的品牌全称是Al Ain Farms 于1981年就已经诞生,历史悠久 是阿联酋第一家鲜奶乳制品公司 从一开始的200头奶牛 至今已经发展成本土食品行业的龙头 阿联酋本国人一直有喝骆驼奶的习惯 Al Ain也在2001年开启了骆驼奶业务 ...