structure material in airplane industry in Our country.Thetype of ultra-high strength aluminumis just attheverybeginning of mass—production inOur country.However there is the problem thatthe properties ofthick platesalways Can’tcome up tothatoftheinternational ...
Then, the microstructural features responsible for different mechanical properties are identified and discussed. The role of alloying additions is discussed. The shortcomings of a 2nd generation Al-Li alloys are introduced and the key alloy design principles used to overcome these are discussed. Finally...
.Mg.Cu合金组织与 力学性能以及腐蚀性能的影响 任伟才,彭国胜,陈康华,陈送义 刘显东 f1.东北轻合金有限责任公司,哈尔滨150001;2.中南大学粉末冶金国家重点实验室,长沙410083) 摘要:对A1一Zn—Mg—Cu合金在455-470℃进行均匀化处理,然后在400℃热轧变形(变形量分别为95%、90% 和80%1,随后进行固溶淬火及T77时效...
这些要求,人们研发了7055、B96、7A60等超强 Al-Zn-Mg-Cu系铝合金。但是由于该系合金的合金元 素含量高,形成的高密度析出相在晶界链状富集,导 致合金晶界开裂显著,合金的断裂韧性和应力腐蚀抗 力明显降低,因而其构件应用潜力和使用寿命受到很 大限制