I know Akuna does options market making, what does that mean? What do you trade & what exchanges are you connected to? Are you a high frequency trading firm? What distinguishes Akuna Capital from other similar firms? What is the career progression like for employees at Akuna?
Akuna Capital 成立于2011年,总部位于芝加哥。七年来,Akuna已经快速成长为美国顶尖的金融自营交易公司,并逐步向全世界扩张。目前在上海,悉尼,波士顿设有分部,全球有200多人。交易的金融产品包括期权,期货,加密数字货币等。 Akuna Capital专注于前沿技术、数据驱动决策和自动化交易。我们运用自有资金,自主设计研发低延迟高...
申请直达链接: https://akunacapital.com/careers#careers
Akuna Capital is an innovative trading firm with a strong focus on collaboration, cutting-edge technology, data driven solutions and automation.
965不卷的Akuna Capital2023秋招即将开启! Hi,这里是美国顶尖金融自营交易公司Akuna Capital,一家965上班不打卡下班不加点、零食饮料自助且假期超多的公司。在Akuna,我们的团队结构比较扁平,鼓励 work smart and efficiently和wlb工作生活平衡,没有大小周和996,也没有传统金融公司的西装革履,大家专注于技术和工作,氛围...
关于Akuna: Akuna Capital 成立于2011年,总部位于芝加哥。十年来,Akuna已经快速成长为美国顶尖的金融自营交易公司,并逐步向全世界扩张。目前在上海,悉尼,波士顿设有分部
Akuna Capital University The New Wave in Tech and Trading Education Enroll Now Akuna Capital specializes in providing liquidity as an options market-maker. We offer this course to interested individuals that want to learn the intricacies of options theory. Those that excel in this course can apply...
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Akuna Capital is an American proprietary trading firm headquartered in Chicago. It has additional Show moreBy clicking “Accept All Cookies”, you agree to the storing of cookies on your device to enhance site navigation, analyze site usage, and assist in our marketing efforts. Please visit our...