Bollywood actor Akshay Kumar, on his wife Twinkle’s 38th birthday Saturday, called her the woman of his dreams, and says she turned his life into a celebration all the way.“Today is a very special day because it is the birthday of the person who has made my life a celebration. Happy...
Looking for information about Bollywood actor, Akshay Kumar? This is the the perfect destination for finding all the information about Akshay Kumar - his detailed Biography
Akshay Kumar’s comic appearance in the movie Mr. and Mrs Khiladi was not so admired. Though ultimately he established his flair and validated that he could appear in romantic movies, action movies, or even in comedy movies with equal level of ease. In 2000, the film Hera Pheri was releas...
Sooryavanshi isn’t driven by a great script or plot, but we presume that’s not what you paid the ticket money for. If over-the-top action is what you want, Akshay Kumar delivers. There’s romance between Sooryavanshi and his wife Riya (played by Katrina Kaif, whose Hindi diction ...
Jha, Subhash K
Armaan Malik’s Love Story With Wife Aashna Shroff Was A Rollercoaster Ride, From Hitting A Rough Patch To A Drunk Call At Midnight! 1/3/2025 by Shreshtha Chaudhury KoiMoi Taapsee Pannu Imtiaz Ali Reveals If Shah Rukh Khan’s Stardom Was The Reason Behind Jab Harry Met Sejal’s Failure: ...
Controversy :Akshay Kumar was caught in a controversy when his wife, Twinkle Khanna unbuttoned his Jeans for promotion in Lakme Fashion Week in Mumbai. Father Name:Hari Om Bhatia Father Profession:Army Officer Mother Name: Mother Profession:Film Producer ...
Subscribe Here - LIKE | SHARE | COMMENT Jolly LLB 2 Star Akshay Kumar With Wife Twinkle Khanna Returns To MUMBAI For the latest events, news and updates in Bollywood, log on and subscribe to and visit our website http:...
10 -- Like his actor-father, Akshay Kumar, Aarav is known to be fond of martial arts, and has won several medals in karate championships. But on Sunday (February 8), the 12-year-old followed in his father's footsteps when he took to the stage to act at the Hindustan Times Kala ...
Sooryavanshi (Akshay Kumar), chief of the Mumbai Anti-Terrorism Squad, along with his team, prevent Hafeez’s sons and the sleeper cells based across India, who are galvanized into action to destroy India, particularly Mumbai, forms the crux of this film that extends to two hours and a ...