Avatar: The Avatar class allows you to display an avatar image next to a message instead of the author's name. You need to send the element once. Next,, if an avatar's name matches an author's name, the avatar will be automatically displayed. You must provide either a URL or a path...
Groundedness metric is scored on a scale of 1 to 5, with 1 being the worst and 5 being the best. 9/22/2023 - Added PromptFlow for SqlAsk. Ensure PFSQLASK_URL and PFSQLASK_KEY configuration values are added to deployed endpoint to enable the feature. Also make sure SynapseName, ...
A good exit interview process will provide simple, actionable insights to reduce unwanted employee attrition. Learn more in our guide!
_20_. I they ask you what you do for work, answer n wahat doesn't take five minutes or use a lot of workplace words or expressions.A. First, wait for a temporary pauseB. Starting a talk without having something to sayC. Instead, think of reaching out as an act of serviceD. So ...
To get the fullest picture of the employee experience and improve retention, pick questions from this Top 30 list of sample exit interview questions and the reasons why you should ask them. They cover:The role The pay and package The reason for leaving The manager The team The workplace and...