AKREDITASI RUMAH SAKIT DALAM DIMENSI PROSEDURAL MUTU PELAYANANHospital accreditation, was also a tool to measure quality of services in hospitals. Measuring was done using hospital by laws which was a criterion in administrative and management standard in the hospital accreditation instrument. ...
ANALISIS PERENCANAAN DAN PENGANGGARAN DALAM PERSIAPAN AKREDITASI: STUDI KASUS RUMAH SAKIT GRIYA MAHARDHIKA YOGYAKARTAdoi:10.46799/syntax-idea.v6i1.2872This research discusses the planning and budgeting of hospitals in preparation for accreditation with a case study at RSU ...
TINJAUAN KELENGKAPAN PENGISIAN REKAM MEDIS BERDASARKAN ELEMEN PENILAIAN STANDAR AKREDITASI RUMAH SAKIT DI RSUD KOJA TAHUN 2023doi:10.59188/jurnalsosains.v3i9.1013Background: Medical Record is a document that contains patient identity data, examinations, treatment, actions,...