Opal 3-Plex Anti-Rb Detection Kit for automated use on mouse tissue Price:$0.00 Opal 3-Plex Anti-Rb Manual Detection Kit SKU:NEL840001KT Formerly Opal 4-Color anti-Rabbit Manual IHC Kit Opal 3-Plex Anti-Rb Manual Detection Kit for manual use on mouse tissue ...
The Opal 4-Color IHC kit contains 3 reactive fluorophores, DAPI and all other reagents required to stain 50 slides at the recommended dilution. Read more!
The Opal 4-Color IHC kit contains 3 reactive fluorophores, DAPI and all other reagents required to stain 50 slides at the recommended dilution. Read more!
Rabbit HRP was detected using 1:300 Opal 570 in TSA dilatant (Akoya Biosciences) for 10 min. The remaining HRPs were blocked with HRP blocker (RNAscope kit, ACDbio) for 10 min. Slides were then incubated with polyclonal Goat anti-Mouse Immunoglobulins/HRP (1:500; P0447, DAKO) for 10 ...
Akoya Biosciences 的成立旨在将 CODEX® 技术商业化,该技术由斯坦福大学 Garry Nolan 博士的实验室开发,以实现生物标志物发现的超高多重分析。 货号 品名 规格 价格 品牌 货期 报价来源 AR600125ML AR6 BUFFER, 10X, 125 MLAR6抗原修复液 EA 1578 akoyabio 8周左右 上海起发 AR6001KT AR6 BUFFER, 10X, ...
免费查询更多opal polaris 480 染料akoya biosciences详细参数、实时报价、行情走势、优质商品批发/供应信息等,您还可以发布询价信息。
"LOVE"-Opal多重荧光免疫组化标记示例图 👉 黑色素瘤-研究案例👈 -01- 抗体panel: CD20, CD21, CD4, CD8, FOXP3 -02- 抗体panel: CD3, CD8, CD163, PD-L1, FOXP3 -03- 抗体panel: CD3, CD4, CD8, CD103, CD39 -04- 抗体panel: CD33, CD68, CD163, HLA-DR, CSF1R, MHC-I ...
由北京希思科临床肿瘤学研究基金会(CSCO基金会)、良医汇主办的2020首届肿瘤诊疗黑科技大会-暨肿瘤诊疗TOP20年度评选已于2020年12月正式揭晓,凭借对于肿瘤微环境的深度多维分析和精准指导意义,Akoya Biosciences 最终入选该榜单,对于未来肿瘤精准及个性化诊疗具有重要意义。
This vibrant image is of a section of normal adjacent colon. Aaron stained the tissue with active beta-Catenin, CD25, CD3, CD45RO, AXL and panMelanoma using Opal dyes. The slide was imaged at 40x with the Vectra® 3 imaging system. Images were unmixed with inForm software. ...
[#IABV2_LABEL_PARTNERS#] Home Resources Webinars APAC User Group Meeting 2021 Spatial Biomarkers in Immuno-Oncology from Discovery to Translation. Date:December 9, 2021, Thursday Cancer immunotherapy achieves remarkable remissions in a subset of patients, but predictive markers are urgently needed to...