The study area is characterized by the presence of 140m thick horizontal sequence of lava flows which can be divided in simple and compound units based on their field characters, textual parameters and geomorphic expression.Detailed study of geomorphic features and the analysis of the remotely sensed...
Cost of living inAkola (India)is41% cheaper thaninShanghai (China) We need your help! Expatistan is a collaborative effort. The data gets better with every new price that you enter. Do you know the prices inShanghaior inAkola? You can help!
Ambatli irrigation drn is locat6il ir thE vlclnlty of foot hllle of satpuita ratges anil ls usEd by the localities for ilrin}ing, irrigation snil olher ilonasLic pu4)oses. ID the prssen! stuily, variat,ion of zooplankton population ie describatl. The nicroscopic exardnatioE of ni...
Problems of Vegetable Growers in Marketing and Production in Akola DistrictVegetables play a vital role in nourishment of human beings. Vegetable cultivation is one of the important source of farm income. But vegetables growers has so many problems in marketing and production such as high input ...
Adoption of insecticides as per the label claim by cotton growers in Akola districtThe cotton seed coat extents into tubular fiber and is spin in to yarn. Cotton is currently the leading plant fiber crop worldwide and is grown commercially in temperate tropical region of more than 50 countries...
More than 80% of the samples of all the studied butterflies were found to be infected with Wolbachia spp. This is first record of Wolbachia in the studied butterflies from Akola district in Maharashtra.Shabana S. SiddiquiI. Ahmad RajaJournal of Pure & Applied Microbiology...
INTRODUCTIONIndian social system is dependent on Varna system viz Brahmin, Kshtriya, Vaish, and Shudra are the main four Varna used to present in the society. Caste system is originated from Varna system. Most downtrodden cast in shudra is chamar caste.Chamar community is present across India. ...
Farm Business EfficiencyLabour EfficiencyIn the present study the efforts have been made to examine the farm efficiency measures to increase the income from farm as a whole. The study was undertaken inAditi S GhevadeG D RedeG B Malthane
Therefore, an attempt was made to assess the nutritional status of farm women inAkola district, M.S. to study the socio- economic status, food consumption pattern, nutritional status and factors affecting nutritional intake of farm women and to suggest suitable measures for improvement....
The evolved map demonstrates six groundwater potential zones in the study area, i.e., poor to nil (0.27 km2), very poor (0.95 km2), poor (17.67 km2), moderate (0.33 km2), good (9.51 km2), very good (14.665 km2) and excellent (1.84 km2). A field check survey was carried out to...