Akita, also known as the Japanese Akita Inu, is a noble breed from Japan originally used for guarding royalty and nobility in feudal Japan.
AKITA币价格:$0.0000000944762 AkitaInu币价格:0.0000006926711 24H跌幅:-6.25% 24H跌额:-$0.000000006298 24H最高:$0.000000100803 24H最低:$0.000000090… 2024年1月4日 AKITA币最新价格 AkitaInu币今日行情走势$0.0000001022597 AKITA币价格 : $0.0000001022597 AkitaInu币价格 : 0.0000007487046 24H跌幅 : -0.72% 24H跌...
AMERICAN AKITA They differ mainly in appearance. THE JAPANESE (INU) AKITA is smaller, lighter, and smaller than the AMERICAN AKITA, and has only: red, white, tiger or yellowish colors, while the AMERICAN AKITA can have different colors and color combinations. THE JAPANESE AKITA (AK...
Akita Inu AKITA 是基于Ethereum平台创造的加密货币代币,于 2017 年推出。今天的 Akita Inu AKITA 价格是 $0.0000001,过去 24 小时的akita inu交易量是 $343。今天的Akita Inu开盘价是 0.0000001,目前Akita Inu股票价格相较于开盘价上涨了 1.46%。AKITA价格止跌回升到 $0.0000001 之后,已无力继续上涨。相较于过去...
Download this free photo of Akita Dog Inu Guard from Pixabay's vast library of royalty-free stock images, videos and music.
The Akita Inu is native to the island of Honshu in the region of Akita in Japan, where it has remained unchanged for centuries. The Akita Inu is considered a national dog of Japan and is one of seven breeds designated as a Natural Monument. The breed has had many uses, such as police...
Unduh photo Akita Inu Anak Anjing Jepang gratis dari pustaka Pixabay yang luas dengan stok gambar, video, dan musik bebas royalti.
The Akita Inu is native to the island of Honshu in the region of Akita in Japan, where it has remained unchanged for centuries. The Akita Inu is considered a national dog of Japan and is one of seven breeds designated as a Natural Monument. The breed has had many uses, such as police...
Read all-out facts about amazing Akita Inu, including history, appearance, and health facts. Learn everything about this extraordinary breed today.
But whereas the Akita is the largest Japanese spitz, the Shiba Inu is the smallest breeds, weighing only about 22 or 23 pounds. This makes it better suited for apartment living. Otherwise, both breeds have similar behaviors. What is the price of an Akita? The price of pure breed Akita ...