2 1. Shiba Inu & Akita mix (AKA Shibakita) 3 2. Siberian Husky & Akita mix (AKA Huskita) 4 3. German Shepherd & Akita mix (AKA Akita Shepherd/ Shepkita) 5 4. Corgi & Akita mix (AKA Corgita) 6 5. Labrador Retriever & Akita mix (AKA Labrakita) 7 6. Chow Chow & Akita mix...
Following the occupation of Japan in the 1940s, returning American GIs introduced the breed into the United States, where it gave rise to a separate mix, the American Akita. While the Japanese Akita Inu only exhibits a narrow range of colors (such as brindle, red fawn, and black and grey...
For breed enthusiasts, I should mention that though all the Japanese breeds are mentioned at least once, with more sustained attention paid to the Japanese chin, Akita, the Ainu/Hokkaido Inu, and the Shiba Inu. Western breeds described in context include the German Shepherd and the mastiff type...
As a mix between two working breeds, the Akita Shepherd can make a great guard or police dog. The Akita Shepherd was created during the 1950s and is a mix of two big, strong dog breeds: the Akita Inu and the German Shepherd. These two breeds synergize well together. The Akita is a ...