Publishing house Shueisha, whose "Shonen Jump" magazine serialised the "Dragon Ball" comics, said in a statement it was "greatly saddened by the sudden news of his death". Eiichiro Oda, creator of Japan's major "One Piece" manga...
The Dragon Ball universe remains one of Japan’s most successful global hits, captivating the hearts of many manga-loving teens and adults from around the world since its debut in the 1980s. Toriyama’s death was announced on Friday by Dragon Ball’s official website in a shared statement f...
Yuji Horii, the creator of beloved role-playing game franchise Dragon Quest, for which Toriyama was the character designer, shared a tribute on X/Twitter which was translated from Japanese byGematsu. "I am still in overwhelming disbelief at the news of Toriyama's sudden ...
Death Date(s) March 1, 2024 Professional Status Occupation Manga artistCharacter Designer Personal Status Relatives Nachi Mikami (wife)Sasuke Toriyama (son)Kikka Toriyama (daughter)Akira Toriyama (鳥とり山やま明あきら Toriyama Akira) (born in Nagoya, Aichi Prefecture) was a widely acclaimed Jap...
Dear Friends and Partners, We are deeply saddened to inform you that Manga creator Akira Toriyama passed away on March 1st due to acute subdural hematoma. He was in age of 68. It's our deep regret that he still had several works in the middle of creation with great enthusiasm. Also, he...
While Toriyama created many powerful"Dragon Ball" characters, Goku had a special place in his heart — so much so that when he killed off the character in "Dragon Ball Z" Volume 19, aka "Death of a Warrior," in 1993, he felt the need to apologize for his actions, writing, "In this...
death was confirmed on Friday in a statement by his manga and design production company, Bird Studio, and Capsule Corporation Tokyo. The statement said the cause was acute subdural hematoma, a condition in which blood collects betwe...
Toyo Keizai Online, the website tied to the finance magazine Weekly Toyo Keizai, reported on July 8 about the rights to Akira Toriyama’s Dragon Ball franchise following his death. According to Toyo Keizai, the rights are currently up in the air since Toriyama’s death, and publisher Shueisha...
Toriyama’s death was announced on Friday by Dragon Ball’s official website in a shared statement from Bird Studio and Capsule Corporation Tokyo. “It’s our deep regret that he still had several works in the middle of creation with great enthusiasm,” it said. ...