《akin to》通常位于系动词之后,例如“is”, “was”, “seems”, “appears”等。 四、 与其他相似词语的比较 《akin to》与其他一些表达相似性的词语,例如“similar to”, “like”, “resemble”, “analogous to”等,都表达了相似性,但其侧重点有所不同。 Similar to: 指一般的相似,侧重于外在的相似...
英文:Her personality is akin to her sister's. 英文同义表达: “similar to” 解释:表示某物或某人与另一物或另一人相似。 例句:His ideas are similar to those of his mentor. “analogous to” 解释:表示某物或某人与另一物或另一人在功能、外观或性质上相似。 例句:This situation...
n. 类似物,相像的人 Some describe the sound to be similar to alien aircraft in sci-fi movies.有人形容这种声音类似科幻电影中的外星人飞机。Why can’t we do something similar for working-class families by improving employment and wage opportunities in this country?为什么我们不能通过改善这个国家的...
English Learning 6 1. akin to/similar to This process is akin to piecing together a jigsaw puzzle. 2. be poised to hold on to power Poised on/over/above: in a position that is completely still but ...
❗️akin /əˈkɪn/ 是一个形容词,意为“相似的;类似的”。👉英文释义: ( formal ) similar to。例如:What he felt was more akin to pity than love. 他感受到的更像怜悯,而不是爱。🔗🌱词源上,akin是of+kin的变体。kin是亲属的意思,我们在“clan n.家族”这个词的拓展中,学过“...
与其他短语的对比:虽然“be akin to”、“be similar to”和“be like”等短语在表达相似性时有所重叠,但“be akin to”更侧重于强调内在本质或功能上的共通性。因此,在选择使用哪个短语时,需要根据具体语境和想要强调的相似性类型来决定。 综上所述,“be akin to”是一个用于表达...
而analogous to的意思是:having similar features to another thing and therefore able to be compared...
答:akin to与analogous to是两个用于类比的形容词短语,都可用于表示某事物与另一事 物具有相似的...
1.基本词义:近似,有关系(similar; related) 2.作表语。如: Pity and love are closely akin. 怜悯近乎爱。 Listening to his life story is akin to reading a good adventure novel. 听他的生活经历近乎读一部冒险小说。 3.作宾语补足语。如:
akin[əˈkɪn]adj▶akin to(=similar to) 相似的xiāngsì de 在单词列表中:New vocabulary,My Vocabulary (Michael),Steve,更多…… 同义词:similar,related,closely related,like,alike,更多…… 习惯性搭配:something akin to [singing, shouting, that], more akin to [madness] than [genius], is...