•Controversies in Management of the Critically Ill Patient Diuretic Use for AKI, Antibiotic Nephrotoxicity, RRT for End Stage Liver Disease, Protecting the Kidney; Results from Trials in AKI and Heart Failure •Challenges and Controversies in Renal Support & CRRT When to Start and Stop, Bicarbo...
In 2004, the Acute Dialysis Quality Initiative (ADQI) attempted to standardize AKI definition, summarizing different stages of severity and outcome into the RIFLE (an acronym indicating different severity classes: Risk, Injury, Failure, Loss of Function and End Stage kidney Disease) classification. ...
Although the Kidney Disease: Improving Global Outcomes (KDIGO) Clinical Practice Guideline for Acute Kidney Injury suggests considering an invasive diagnostic workup (stage 1) along with ICU admission (stage 2) for AKI management based on AKI severity determined by serum creatinine [9], establishing...
StageAcq - Fin - II | Alive About Aki-Japan Aki-Japan specializes in human resource services for the construction industry. The company focuses on nurturing talent within the construction sector, enhancing their market value, and providing support for career development and growth. Aki-Japan serves...
FrontStage FUGO - Partager sur les écrans Funtivity by Hermis Galerie d’affichage Gameinar Gantt Chart Pro Gaspardesk gauge.it Geekbot - Flux de travail et standups Genuity Geren Gfacility Gladys Gloat Transfert d’appel global Glowbl Go1 Goalhub Goalscape GoConqr GoLinks Good4work GoProfi...
StageAcquired | Acquired About AKIPS AKIPS is a company focused on providing scalable network and infrastructure monitoring solutions within the technology sector. Their main offerings include software that delivers historical performance metrics, logs, and proactive alerting systems to help network engineer...
Stage-based management of AKI: Shading of boxes indicates priority of action—solid shading indicates actions that are equally appropriate at all stages whereas graded shading indicates increasing priority as intensity increases. 3.3造影剂肾病 对具CI-AKI高风险者: ...
[4] Sparrow HG, Swan JT, Moore LW, et al. Disparate outcomes observed within Kidney Disease: Improving Global Outcomes (KDIGO) acute kidney injury stage 1[J]. Kidney Int, 2019, 95(4):905-913. [5] Gaudry S, Hajage D, Schortgen F, et al. Initiation Strategies for Renal-Replacement...
8.5.3. Stage-Specific Incident Population of AKI in the US 8.5.4. Age-Specific Incident Population of AKI in the US 8.6. EU4 and the UK 8.6.1. Total Incident Population of AKI in Hospitalized Patients in EU4 and the UK 8.6.2. Mortality Adjusted Incide...