How good is the AKG K612 Pro as a so labelled reference open back headphone? Oluv compared it with the AKG K702 and preferred it. It is relatively low in price and it seems that the nondetachable cable may be a reason why it is less popular because not everyone likes a 10 foot ca...
亚马逊中国 现有 AKG 专业耳机全场特价,超多直降¥2500。 森海塞尔 HD 598cs Amazon 2016限定版 ¥699黑五价开卖! Bose 耳机&音箱嗨购全天,低至5折! 中国境内免运费。 点击购买>> 小编推荐:从真·旗舰K812到旗舰K7XX再到传奇K240X均为特价,不少耳机均为史低。有好前端的同学可以选择K7XX和K612 PRO;预算...
对,如标题那样“胡说”一下感受,本人qiong买不起旗舰也烧不起前端,穷烧耳机党一个,主角列举一下大概有:k77一只,k92一只,k240r一只,k601一只,k612pro一只,k701六只,k702两只,q701两只,k712pro一只。型号不多但耳机数量多,好些都是不同批次(编号嘛)的。 内容实在太多,慢慢更吧,先立个贴在这,无论有木有...
AKG爱科技K452是一款全封闭式设计的压耳式头戴式有线耳机,是AKG品牌旗下的一款经典产品。这款耳机采用了全封闭式设计,能够有效地隔离外界噪音,让用户在任何环境下都能享受到纯净的音乐体验。同时,单元处和头粱处采用了加厚棉皮套,佩戴起来非常舒适,不会夹头。 K452的另一个亮点是可拆式单边耳机线。这条线材...
This is a review and detailed measurements of the AKG K712 Pro open back (gaming?) headphone. It is on kind loan from a member and costs US $327 on Amazon. I find the K712 cute and cheerful: The huge cups (64mm inside diamater/24mm deep) fit over my ear fine. But I thought ...