3、安纳托利亚牧羊犬(Anatolian Shepherd Dog)4、伯恩山犬(Bernese Mountain Dog)5、俄罗斯黑梗(Black Russian Terrier)6、拳师犬(Boxer)7、斗牛獒犬(Bullmastiff)8、卡斯罗(Cane Corso)9、杜宾犬(Doberman Pinscher)10、法国波尔多獒犬(Dogue de Bordeanx)11、德国平犬(German Pinscher)12、巨型雪...
It is family run and home to horses, AKC German Shepherd dogs, chickens, and a Chihuahua, pretty little Chiquita. Poco was our top dog whom we loved for 17 years. Our German Shepherds are from champion bloodlines that are titled/imported DDR German Shepherds (named for the German Democratic...
AKC最新统计10大美国最热门犬种 全美: 1.Labrador Retriever拉布拉多 2.Yorkshire Terrier约克夏 3.German Shepherd Dog德国牧羊犬 4.Golden Retriever金毛 5.Beagle比格 6.Dachshund腊肠 7.Boxer拳师 8.Poodle(Toy,Mini,Standard)贵宾 9.Shih Tzu西施 10.Miniature Schnauzer迷你雪纳瑞 波士顿: 1.Labrador...
Being involved with working line German Shepherd dogs for over 15 years, Lane has a deep love for the breed and won't own any other kind of dog. Her passion stems from the dog's genuine love of its family, naturally protective instincts, quick wit and charming personality. ...
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It seems like everyone has German Shepherd puppies for sale nowadays… how do you know if you are getting a quality dog and not getting ripped off… or worse… end up with a dog that becomes a dangerous liability or has chronic or even fatal health issues. Being AKC registered is certainl...
Gerans, German Shepherds, indiana, akc shows, gsd puppies, german shepherd dog club of america, gsd health, socialization, gerald roach, German Shepherd puppy pictures, pedigrees, GSDCA, german shepherd stud service, German Shepherd breeder, german sheph
64FrenchBulldog法国老虎犬 65GermanShepherdDog德国牧羊犬 66GermanShorthairedPointer德国短毛指示犬 67GermanWirehairedPointer德国钢毛指示犬 68GiantSchnauzer大型史柔查 69GoldenRetriever金毛寻回犬 70GordonSetter哥顿塞特犬 71GreatDane大丹犬 72GreatPyrenees大白熊犬 73GreaterssMountainDog大瑞士山地犬 74Greyhound格雷伊...