That doesn't happen much at any dog shows! Its usually deep fried and yummy of course, but... I’m A Trooper Mar 17, 2018 I am back at the ICE dog show this weekend, snapping photos and capturing the fun when a little drama unfolded. I usually end up holding dogs on leads no...
We have chosen not to breed the "average" golden that tends to be the light medium to medium in coloring with a fairly long coat. This is what the AKC considers the "standard of the breed". You will see these around, but mostly you will see them at a dog show; and, are the only...
#1 Silky GCh.B Tessier Wyntuk Red E to Reign taking a Group 1 on his first show weekend in 2024 This year’s National was great for Tessier. We took Best in Sweeps, Best Puppy, Reserve Winners Dog, Winner Bitch and Award of Merit. In the 4 following shows after the National Tessier...