Breed and advance to compete against the other Best of Breeds within its judging group. The seven judging groups are based on the functions for which the breed was developed: sporting, composed of gun dogs that assist hunters; hound, hunters and trackers; working, strong dogs that perform a ...
Dog breed information center has lists of best dog breeds for kids, best guard dogs, best dogs for families, most popular dogs, best small dogs and more.
We are absolutely thrilled!! Our Linda winning BEST OF BREED at Potomac! The largest Labrador Specialty in the world! Such a honor!! Thank you to all who voted for Linda ! As always we are very proud of Ellen. A special thank you to all the breeders who voted for her!
After winning Best of Breed competitions the following top dogs went on to win in their respective groups and compete for Best in Show: Sporting:CH Kan Trace Very Cheeky Chic, a Lagotto Romagnolo known as “Orca,” owned by Sabina Zdunic Sinkovic and Ante Lucin of Mims, FL and ...