Downloads Explore the all-new MPC One+ SuperchargeYour Beat-Making Enjoy the creative journey like never before with built-in Wi-Fi/Bluetooth and 16GB onboard storage for enhanced speed and efficiency. Powered by The future of standalone workflow Designed for fast and intuitive operation, MPC3...
Ready for new sounds to inspire you? Network connectivity means its super simple to sign into your Splice account and download a fresh set of samples to get your creative juices flowing again. MPC BEATS ACADEMY Our dedicated resource to learn and master MPC One; the MPC Beats Academy. We’...
Akai 为 MPC One 推出了 Retro 复古限量版,为 MPC 最新的迷你工作站披上了复古的外衣,感受 Old-School 风情。 MPC One Retro 本质上与 MPC ONE 并无二异,不过更换了 MPC 经典的红白配色。由于 MPC One 的外形更加方正,换上老配色后瞬间就有那个味了。相比 MPC Live,个人觉得 MPC One Retro 更能体现老 ...
上世纪80年代末, AKAI开启了一个全新的音乐制作时代产物,那就是MPC60。是由设计Linn Drum的电子乐器大神Roger linn研发,集合了采样器、音序器、鼓机、节奏机于一体的独立音乐工作站。一战成名。随后出了MPC60二代、MPC3000、MPC2000、XL、4000、1000、2500、500、5000、STUDIO、ELEMENT、TOUCH、LIVE、X和ONE,以及L...
Akai 发布新的 MPC One +,这是一款新的独立采样器和音序器。 Akai MPC One +是MPC One独立采样器和音序器的继任产品,具有升级的处理器,更多的内部存储空间,以及更多功能。 刚刚又一条MPC One Plus(+)产品泄露的消息,现在官方就发布了,因为Sweetwater已经在其在线商店中列出了这个设备的所有规格,并有一个40多...
MPC One/MPC One Retro Click the Downloads tab at the top of the screen or scroll down to the Downloads & Documents section. Here you will find downloads for the macOS, PC, and USB updater files, as well as update release notes.Before...
Akai MPC ONE+ Standalone Sampler / Workstation [USED] Used – Excellent Originally $999, now $950 ($49 price drop) $999 $49 price drop $950 Akai MPC One Standalone MIDI Sequencer 2024 - Present - red Brand New Originally $145, now $110 ($35 price drop) ...
Does my MPC Require storage to download/install Play Series Plugins? Yes - In most cases, the internal storage of MPC Hardware will not be large enough to download/install your Play Series Plugin. MPC hardware supports read and write capability for exFAT, FAT32, NTFS,...
为庆祝 MPC 35 周年,在推出 MPC X SE 之后,Akai 又推出了 MPC One+。MPC One+ 是 MPC One 的升级版,在外观不变的情况下对硬件和接口进行了升级。 MPC One+ 依然采用 7 英寸彩色大屏以及带力度感应的背光打击垫。新版本在 CPU 和内存上没有任何变化,但硬盘升级到了 16GB,出厂预装 2GB Akai Sound 音色...
Akai 发布新的 MPC One +,这是一款新的独立采样器和音序器。 Akai MPC One +是MPC One独立采样器和音序器的继任产品,具有升级的处理器,更多的内部存储空间,以及更多功能。 刚刚又一条MPC One Plus(+)产品泄露的消息,现在官方就发布了,因为Sweetwater已经在其在线商店中列出了这个设备的所有规格,并有一个40多...