With its intricate storyline and vivid illustrations, this comic book set is a must-have for fans of idol manga. The series, written by the renowned Aka Akasaka and illustrated by the talented Hoshino Ai, follows the journey of a young girl as she navigates the cutthroat world of idol ...
The manga is just as hilarious as its adaptation。 Great characters, great storylines, a believable love story and effective comedy。Perfect when you need a good laugh! Kaguya-sama: Love is War, the anime, brought some joy into my life when I needed it the most。 I was worried that the...
With its engaging storyline and vivid artwork, this manga is a testament to the enduring appeal of idol culture. The series, authored by Aka Akasaka, follows the journey of Hoshino Ai, a young girl with a passion for music and idolism. The story is set in a world where idols are ...