Elevate your workflow with the AK asset from Chack. Find this & other Guns options on the Unity Asset Store.
由 Augmented Knowledge Corporation 开发的AK GO 是一款使用 Unity 开发的工业解决方案,其作用在于开展沉浸式飞机维护培训。 AK GO 的故事始于 2008 年。我们特地邀请到了 Augmented Knowledge Corp. 的 CEO 兼创始人 Kevin GS Jo 为我们讲述公司的发展历程及 Unity 在期间的作用。作为虚拟现实(VR)和人工智能技术...
UNITY3D中,模..对啊。控制摄像机。你参考下 方法多了去了摄像机挂这个脚步(这个没有后仰的效果只是缩放焦距)public class 脚本 : MonoBehaviour { private Camera ca
If the event does get bundled with my addressable ScriptableObject, I guess it might be "ok" to have duplicated event objects, as they only contain some strings/ids. unity addressables akevents events 最新提问 4月 19, 2022 分类:General Discussion | 用户: Julien B. (100 分) Please sign-...
HoloToolkit-UnityPublic Forked frommicrosoft/MixedRealityToolkit-Unity This is effectively part of the existing HoloToolkit, but is the repo that will contain all Unity specific components. C# 0 contributions in the last year No contributions on Sunday, June 19, 2022No contributions on Monday, June...
很多玩家在游玩《逃离塔科夫》时遇到游戏无法启动、游戏进不去的问题,接下来给大家带来解决办法。 1.点击游戏启动目录,找到UnityCrashHandler64,右键单击属性,点击安全; 2.然后在编辑勾选拒绝一栏,将修改、读取和执行、读取、写入都勾选拒绝; 3.使用AK游戏加速器对游戏进行加速,加速成功后重新启动游戏即可成功进入。
AkyuiUnity is a Unity implementation ofAkyui. With AkyuiUnity.Xd, you can easily generate Unity Prefab fromAdobe XDfiles. Read this document in other languages:日本語 What is AkyuiUnity / AkyuiUnity.Xd? Akyuiis a UI definition file format created bykyubuns. ...
Unity AkSoundEngine.SetState/GetState can cause CRASH on Mac If I call AkSoundEngine.SetState or AkSoundEngine.GetState on Mac, and the music track containing the specified state is not currently playing, the game will crash to desktop. This should be caught by WWise and maybe throw a warni...
This asset is covered by the Unity Asset Store Refund Policy. Please see section 2.9.3 of theEULAfor details. Secure checkout: More from vrimen See more Quick Look vrimen Horror humanoids characters pack (not enough ratings) $149.99 ...
AC-Unity最初为给土耳其北方武器公司(North Weapon)的产品进行配套,而研制这款AK-12弹匣。北方武器公司已经签署了许多军事合同,AC-Unity将研制一款价格合理、质量上乘的AK-12弹匣,以满足或超过所有军事需求。AC-Unity AK-12弹匣仿制品采用该公司特有的抗紫外线聚合物制造,并宣称这种聚合物适用于很宽的温度范围...