Se näyttää yleensä pankin nimen lyhennetyltä versiolta. Maakoodi A-ZKaksi kirjainta, jotka kuvaavat maata, jossa pankki sijaitsee. Sijaintikoodi 0-9 A-ZKaksi merkkiä, jotka ovat kirjaimia tai numeroita. Se kertoo missä pankkisi pääkonttori on. Konttorin koodi ...
A similar statement to Proposition 17 is presented in Henneaux–Bunster [HT92, Theorem 18.4.5], where one identifies the output of the above AKSZ construction with the (first-order) BV theory obtained by embedding in the BV formalism the generalised Hamiltonian formulation of a given field the...
Journal of Personalized Medicine Article Transcript Levels of Aldo-Keto Reductase Family 1 Subfamily C (AKR1C) Are Increased in Prostate Tissue of Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Andras Franko 1,2,3 , Lucia Berti 2,3 , Jörg Hennenlotter 4 , Steffen Rausch 4 , Marcus O. Scharpf 5, ...
A Weidner,M Hennefelder,P Graf 被引量: 0发表: 2008年 Process for the manufacture of an article covered with a supple insert Process for the manufacture of an article comprising a rigid support element of which a "show" face is partially covered by a supple covering. The covering... J ...