It presents more by emotion than it does hard facts. The AK47 (the oldest iteration of the platform I am aware of) vs. the AR15/M16/M4 is a worn out beat to death argument. Neither one is better than the other. Within the effective range of the AK47, I would be more afraid of...
The reliability of the M16 when in good condition—cleaned and lubed—is so high, I don’t believe that it’s worth the money to change to a new weapons system. You would have to see a substantial improvement in performance, and the performance with the M16 and M4 is very good. Like ...
The larger caliber and increased power of the7.62×39 cartridgeaccounts for much of the beefed-up design of the AK-47 when compared to the AK-74. The AK-47 has a larger gas piston, operating rod and bolt than the ’74. The inertia of the parts slapping together, muzzle climb, added ...