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AK47导轨 AK74 SAIGA斜支架 AK47支架Side Mount Rail 义乌市捍卫者户外用品有限公司 5年 月均发货速度: 当日 浙江 金华市 ¥60.00 成交290套 仁祥ak102金属导轨泽宁特b13侧面支架 义乌市初猎电子商务商行 10年 月均发货速度: 暂无记录 江西 鹰潭市月湖区 ¥14.25 成交718件 【AK导轨】 AK74...
UltiMAK AK-47 Forward Optic Mount with side gas ports For standard length, standard weight AKs/AKMs. Can be used in place of our M1-B mount on any AK that would fit either. See below for details. Features side vent holes, as found on Chinese AKs and others. Co-witnesses with most ...
AK47导轨 AK74 SAIGA金属斜支架 AK47支架Side Mount金属增高导轨 回头率: 44.1% ¥ 29.0 成交50 笔 金华市 义乌市捍卫者户外用品有限公司 仁祥AK02镜桥CP AK05 74ms 侧导轨捷鹰SVD多功能支架mi快拆镜桥 回头率: 6.9% ¥ 32.9 成交0 笔 湖州市 南浔圣莱电子商务商行(个体工商户) 查看更多ak侧...
For a list of other variants, see AK. The AK-47 is an assault rifle featured in many games of the Modern Warfare and Black Ops series, as well as in Call of Duty Online, Call of Duty: Heroes, Rightful King, Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare and Call of Duty
山中有夢,行者吟詠【台湾地牢合成器】檳榔袋鼠 - 山寂 Betelnut Kangaroo - Mount Nothingness 20:43 穿越茫茫冰原【地牢合成器】Umbria - The Rime Pathways 36:15 只是梦一场【地牢合成器】Silent Garden - Alice's Pure Dream 13:47 被遗忘的隐修所【地牢合成器】The Hermit Monks - Ten Meditations 41...
AK-47 Rear Pistol Grip Ergonomic with Thumb Rest Rated5.00out of 5 $17.95Original price was: $17.95.Current price is: $1.99. Out of Stock AK-47 Front Sight Adjustment Tool Rated5.00out of 5 $9.99 Out of Stock Sale! AK-47 Scope Mount with Lever Heavy Duty ...
AK Optic mounts for AK-47, Vepr, Yugo M70, Yugo M92, Saiga Shotgun, Krinkov, VSKA Trooper, RAS-47, M85, KP-9, Draco Pistol. Also: ACR-2 Modular Rail System.
Ganske is correct in that an AK-47 is heavier than an AR-15. On the positive side, it is very robust and reliable, due to the generally sound, simple design and loose fit. It keeps on firing with very little maintenance even in dirty environments. It also breaks down into a few ...
AR - Your foes laugh when you mount your bayonet你的仇家在你上刺刀时大笑。 MN - You can bayonet your foe on the other side of the river without leaving the comfort of your hole.你可以在不离开你的安乐窝的情况下用刺刀捅死河对岸的仇家 ...