For a list of other variants, see AK. The AK-47 is an assault rifle featured in many games of the Modern Warfare and Black Ops series, as well as in Call of Duty Online, Call of Duty: Heroes, Rightful King, Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare and Call of Duty
AK-47 (ā′kā′fôr′tē-sĕv′ən) n. A clip-fed, gas-operated assault rifle of Soviet design having a caliber of 7.62 millimeters and used throughout the world by armed forces and paramilitary organizations. [RussianA(vtomat) K(alashnikova),automatic gun of Kalashnikov, after Vikt...
AR15 Holder, AR15 Mount, AR15 Rack SR25 Stand, M110 Stand, AR10 Stand AK Stand, AKM Mount, AK47 Holder HK G36 Rifle Stand EV9 CZ SCORPION Stand M16 Stand, M4 Stand, AR-15 Stand MCX-SPEAR Stand & Rifle Mount B&T Usa Guns Stands Welcome to the GUNCREED® Store Youtube Blog...
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I have carried and used various models of the AK from Vietnam to Afghanistan and a lot in between. I use it as my basic defensive rifle now. Here is why. I have also carried and used the major U.S. rifles of the 20th century primarily the M-14 (and it's
“x39” to the AK-47’s ammo designation is important to distinguish it from the 7.62x51mm NATO and the 7.62x54mm Russian rounds. Some sites erroneously state that the AK-47 shoots full-sized rifle cartridges like the 7.62x51mm NATO when in fact, theSovietrifle uses 7.62x39mmSovietammo...
(16.3 inch) barrel. It can be fitted to fire one of four calibers: the original 7.62x39 of the AK-47/AKM, the 5.56x45 of the M-16, the 5.45x39 of the AK-74, or the 7.62x51 NATO rifle/machine-gun round. The AK-12 can use all AK-47/AKM magazines when firing 7.62x39 ammo...
The Kalashnikov AKMSN 7.62x39 assault rifle (AKMSN) is an assault rifle in Escape from Tarkov. AKMSN 7.62x39 (Avtomát Kaláshnikova Modernizírovanny Skladnóy Nochnóy - "Kalashnikov's Automatic rifle Modernised Night with a foldable stock") is a modif