The AK-47 is a select-fire, gas-operated 7.62×39mm assault rifle developed in the Soviet Union by Mikhail Kalashnikov. The first weapon in the AK (Avtomat Kalashnikova, Russian: АвтоматКалашникова, Kalashnikov assault rifle) family of weapons, the AK-47 is succeeded ...
In the fall of 2013, Russian President Vladimir Putin announced that he had ordered an upgraded version of the AK-47. 该突击步枪目前仍旧没有表现出过气的迹象。2013年秋季,俄罗斯总统普京(Vladimir Putin)宣布他订购了一支升级型号的AK-47突击步枪。 'Blame the Nazi Germans for making me become a gun...
✔️Historical background and familiarization with samples of Soviet and Russian small arms, field stripping and reassembling of AK-47 (master class) ✔️Training in tactical shooting techniques Duration: the whole program – 2-2,5 hours. Tank riding – 30-45 minutes. Additional services...
The AK-47 is a selective-fire, gas-operated 7.62×39mm assault rifle, first developed in the USSR by Mikhail Kalashnikov. It is officially known as Avtomat Kalashnikova (Russian: АвтоматКалашникова). It is also known as a Kalashnikov, an AK or in Russia...
Russian AK47 Bayonets Bulgarian AK47 Bayonets Chinese AK47 Bayonets German AK47 Bayonets Egyptian AK47 Bayonets Hungarian AK47 Bayonets Korean AK47 Bayonets Cuban AK47 Bayonets Indian AK47 Bayonets Iraqi AK47 Bayonets Polish AK47 Bayonets
Mikhail Kalashnikov, who is credited with inventing the AK-47 rifle died Monday in Russia after a lengthy battle with illness. He was 94 years old. 经过与病魔的长期斗争后,AK-47突击步枪发明人米哈伊尔·卡拉什尼科夫周一在俄罗斯去世,享年94岁。 Born Nov. 10, 1919 to Russian peasants who were depo...
1. What is "AK-47" short for? Its Russian name is Avtomat Kalashnikova -- also known simply as the Kalashnikov. It was named for its inventor, Senior Sergeant Mikhail Kalashnikov. He was supposedly a wounded T-34 tank commander in the Red Army during World War II. According to legend,...
AK-47AK-47, Soviet assault rifle, possibly the most widely used shoulder weapon in the world. The initials AK represent Avtomat Kalashnikova, Russian for “automatic Kalashnikov,” for its designer, Mikhail Timofeyevich Kalashnikov, who designed the accepted version of the weapon in 1947. Almost...
经过与病魔的长期斗争后,AK-47突击步枪发明人米哈伊尔·卡拉什尼科夫周一在俄罗斯去世,享年94岁。 Born Nov. 10, 1919 to Russian peasants who weredeportedto Siberia when he was a child, the futurelieutenantgeneral fought in, and then commanded, a tankbrigadein World War II, but ended up in a gun...
AK-47 (ˈeɪˈkeɪˌfɔr tiˈsɛv ən) n.,pl.AK-47's. a kalashnikov assault rifle first made in 1947. [1965–70; < Russian] Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rig...