Whilst many of us have already purchased or thinking of purchasing the new AK-12 (and AK-15) AEGs being sold by airsoft manufacturers, some may just want to hold-off and wait for an airsoft manufacturer to get into the act and come up with the new Kalashnikov AK-19 assault rifle that...
”(出处:Why would Russia’s Kalashnikov make a NATO-friendly assault rifle?)与俄军自用的AK-12...
AK-74自动步枪(英文:AK-74 Assault Rifle),是苏联研制的一型自动步枪(又称:突击步枪)。AK-74自动步枪,是在AKM步枪基础上改进而来,基本继承了卡拉什尼科夫自动步枪的优良传统,也是世界上生产和装备数量最多的小口径自动步枪之一。该枪是苏联装备的第一种小口径步枪,口径5.45毫米,全长943毫米,枪管长415...
ᅟᅠᅟᅠ 生活 日常 ak47 fal fn fal Amber乔 发消息 夸克浏览器!吗喽们的快乐老家!接下来播放 自动连播 CETME-C — Cheap and Affordable Battle Rifle Amber乔 2 0 FN FAL: Right Arm of the Free World Amber乔 4 0 CETME-L — The Spanish Legionnaire Rifle Amber乔 1 0 Leapers ...
AK-12突击步枪(英文:AK-12 Assault Rifle),是俄罗斯卡拉什尼科夫集团研发的一种突击步枪。AK-12突击步枪是以俄军AK-74突击步枪为蓝本研制,该枪俄语全称原意为“卡拉什尼科夫在2012年定型的自动步枪”。AK-12整枪净重3.3千克,枪管口径分为4种,分别为:7.62×39毫米、5.45×39毫米、5.56×45毫米以及一种...
AK-103突击步枪(英文:AK-103 Assault Rifle)是俄罗斯专为出口设计的一把突击步枪,本质上是AK-74M的7.62mm口径衍生型。用复合工程塑料技术,可加装瞄准具和榴弹发射器,是AK100系列中授权生产和出口最多的型号(包括民用型的Saiga 04)。。技术特点 AK-103是为出口市场而设计,由于AK-47在各地的良好声誉,...
AK Assault Rifle Weapon Set Military MOC Bricks Building Blocks Army Soldier Figure Accessories Brick Toys (1 review) Shantou Chenghai Shuner Trading Limited Company4 yrsCN Previous slideNext slide Previous slideNext slideKey attributes Industry-specific attributes Type Other Other attributes Material ...
《AK47 Assault Rifle》是一本图书,作者是Bennett, Nigel 内容简介 The AK47 Assault Rifle is the world's most prolific and iconic weapon with over 80 million produced. Today, the largest threat the armies of the UK, USA and NATO are faced with is not nuclear, biological and chemical weapons...
AKMSU步枪或称AKSMU步枪是苏联7.62mm口径AKM突击步枪的紧凑型卡宾枪版本,“AKMSU”分别对应的意思是“突击步枪(Assault rifle,俄文为Avtomat)”、“设计师卡拉什尼科夫(俄文:Kalashnikov)”、“改进型(Modified)”、“折叠枪托(俄文:Skladivaushiisya)”和“缩短型(俄文:Ukorochenniy)”。该枪于1959年开发...