图1(A,B) 按肿瘤 (T) 类别划分的总体存活率估计值。cT 表示临床 T 类别;pT,病理临床类别;pTis,原位病理性肿瘤。表 2. 临床肿瘤 (cT) 类别:有风险的患者数量(对应于 cT Kaplan-Meier 图)cT 类别月01224364860728496108120T0245201165133105755023810cT13958337927222156164911877...
PTIaNOMx分期是根据癌症的位置、深度、大小、数量和其它因素(如淋巴结转移)来确定的。它的全称为“American Joint Committee on Cancer Stages - Pathologic TNM and Clinical Classification”,缩写为“PTIaNOMx”。以上内容仅供参考,如需更多信息,可访问美国癌症协会官网。您有其它疑问的话,也可以问...
R egional Lymph Nodes. The regional lymph nodes are the nodes of the true pelvis, which essen-tially are the pelvic nodes below the bifurcation of the common iliac arteries (Figure 41.3 ). They include the following groups:P elvic, NOS H ypogastric O bturator S UMMARY OF CHANGES ...
Some changes in the pT category were done due to recent knowledge regarding the prognostic importance of anatomical level of invasion, vascular and perineural invasion and tumor grading. These changes must be interpreted in the light of a required understanding of the complex anatomy of...
of« frstpage‹ previouspagenextpage ›lastpage »AJCCCANCERSTAGINGMANUALSUMMARYOFCHANGESFROMTHESIXTHEDITIONTOTHESEVENTHpage3of27SummaryofChangesOverviewNewChapters(57TOTAL)•MucosalMelanomaoftheHeadandNeck•Appendix•Anus•GastrointestinalStromalTumor(GIST)•NeuroendocrineTumors•...