The 8th Edition of the AJCC-TNM Classification: New Contributions to the Staging of Esophagogastric Junction CancerThe new 8th edition of the TNM classification system for esophageal and cardia or esophagogastric junction cancer provides important innovations in the TNM stages. Two classifications are...
图3.分别按照第八版AJCC分期、改良版AJCC分期对患者进行生存曲线分析结果。 图4.受检淋巴结≥15枚患者TNM分期数据及按照第八版AJCC分期生存时间分析结果;受检淋巴结≥15枚患者TNM分期数据及按照第八版AJCC分期生存时间分析结果;受检淋巴结数量不同时生存时间中位数比较结果。 由上述相关结果可见,在第八版AJCC分期系...
M1 临床有转移征象,并且组织学证实转移灶大于0.2mm。(参考:AJCC Cancer Staging Manual Eighth Edition)
19. Comment on an external validation of the 8th edition of the TNM classification for lung cancer staging in patients treated with chemoradiation 20. TNM in non-small cell lung cancer: a staging system for all oncologists or just for surgeons? 21. The 8th UICC/AJCC TNM edition for non-sm...
第8版AJCC-TNM分期系统对非小细胞肺癌的预后意义不适用于肺癌作为第二原发性恶性肿瘤 —结论— 第8版AJCC-TNM分期系统未能为第二原发癌是肺癌(LCSPM)的患者提供准确的预后价值。 The 8th edition AJCC TNM staging system fails to provide accurate prognostic value for...
3. Goldstraw P, Chansky K, Crowley J, et al. The IASLC Lung Cancer Staging Project: proposals for the revision of the stage grouping in the forthcoming (8th) edition of the TNM classification of lung cancer. J Thorac Oncol. 2016;11:39-51...
[1]Amin MB, Edge SB, Greene FL, et al.,eds. AJCC Cancer Staging Manual. 8th ed. New York: Springer, 2017. [2]Paner Gladell P,Stadler Walter M,HanselDonna E et al. Updates in the Eighth Edition of the Tumor-Node-MetastasisStaging Classification for Urologic Cancers.[J] .Eur. Urol...
TNM分期 III:删除第 7 版中的ⅢC 期; IV:进一步细分为ⅣA 期及ⅣB 期; ypTNM:与 pTNM 不同,腺癌及鳞癌分期相同; cTNM:与 pTNM 不同,腺癌及鳞癌分期也不同。 参考文献: [1]Cancer of the Esophagus and Esophagogastric Junction: An 8th Edition Staging Primer. J Thorac Oncol. 2017 Jan;12(1)...
TNM分期III:删除第 7 版中的C 期;IV:进一步细分为A 期及B 期;ypTNM:与 pTNM 不同,腺癌及鳞癌分期相同;cTNM:与 pTNM 不同,腺癌及鳞癌分期也不同。参考文献:1Cancer of the Esophagus and Esophagogastric Junction: An 8th Edition Staging Primer. J Thorac Oncol. 2017 Jan;12(1):36-42.AJCC链接...
TNM分期 III:删除第7版中的ⅢC期; IV:进一步细分为ⅣA期及ⅣB期; ypTNM:不pTNM丌同,腺癌及鳞癌分期相同; cTNM:不pTNM丌同,腺癌及鳞癌分期也丌同。 参考文献: [1]CanceroftheEsophagusandEsophagogastricJunction:An8thEditionStagingPrimer.JThoracOncol. 2017Jan;12(1):36-42. AJCC链接 ·分期手册|AJCC第...