led to (1) more limited surgical management, with breastconserving surgery being preferred for most patients with early-stage breast cancers and total mastectomy with axillary dissection for more advanced disease; (2) reduction in the extent of axillary staging, with sentinel lymph node biopsy becomi...
led to (1) more limited surgical management, with breastconserving surgery being preferred for most patients with early-stage breast cancers and total mastectomy with axillary dissection for more advanced disease; (2) reduction in the extent of axillary staging,...
No Utility of AJCC Stage IA vs Stage IB Designation in Breast CancerMatthew Stenger
Evaluation of the prognostic stage in the 8th edition of the American Joint Committee on Cancer in locally advanced breast cancer: an analysis based on SEER 18 database[J]. Breast, 2018, 37(2): 56-63. [5] WEISS A, CHAVEZ-MACGREGOR M, LICHTENSZTAJN D Y, et al. Validation study of ...
新版分期系统增加了以雌激素受体(estrogen receptor, ER)、孕激素受体(progesterone receptor, PR)、人类表皮生长因子受体-2(human epidermal growth factor receptor, HER2)及组织学分级(histologic grade, G)4项生物标志物为基础,并参考Oncotype DX®多基因检测等内容共同形成的预后分期系统(Prognostic Stage Groups)...
ConclusionsThe prognostic stage according to the AJCC Breast Cancer Staging System, Eighth Edition complements the clinical stage. It has a good predictive value for the prognosis of triple-negative breast cancer. KEYWORDS: Breast neoplasms;Neoplasm staging;Prognosis Corresponding author: Liu Yinhua, Emai...
(AJCC),8th edition,for breast cancer will be implemented on January 1 2018.The breast cancer staging system for the first time to establish AJCC level of evidence,and improve the definition of TNM staging,the most important update is to increase the prognostic stage group,which will greatly ...
AJCC intends to pro-vide cancer staging forms and updates athttp://www.cancerstaging.org. This Website, and the Eighth Manual, will assur-edly help counter “stage fright”!Syed A. Hoda, MDWeill Cornell Medical CollegeNew York, NYThe author has no funding or conf l icts ofinterest to ...
In the newest edition of theAJCC Cancer Staging Manual(8th edition, adopted on January 1, 2018), breast cancer staging integrates anatomic staging with tumor grade, biomarker data regarding hormone receptor status, oncogene expression, and gene expression profiling to assign a prognostic stage. This...
BreastCase#3 ClinicalStaging Synopsis-patientwith4.0cmmass,infiltratingductca,axillaispositiveonexam,imaging,andcoreneedlebiopsy Whatistheclinicalstage? T___ N___ M___ StageGroup___ BreastCase#3 ClinicalStaging ClinicalStagecorrectanswer T2 N1 M0 StageGroupIIB Basedonstage,treatmentisselected Review...