Ajax the Great is a hero of Ancient Greek Mythology in Homer's the Iliad. The Iliad is an epic poem that tells the story of the Trojan War. This war was fought between the Greeks and the Trojans. It began when Paris, a prince of Troy, with the help of Aphrodite seduced Helen, the...
Ajax Ajaxwas aheroin Greek mythology, son of KingTelamonof Salamis and Periboea. He played a pivotal role in the myth of theTrojan War. He is also known as TelamonianAjax,Greater Ajax, orAjax the Great, to be distinguished from Ajax the Lesser, son of Oileus. Ajax Portrayal He was de...
Open Document Through further research, I have learned that this vase “depicts the heroes Achilles and Ajax playing a board game” (Two-Handled Jar with Achilles and Ajax). Close Panel The story is about two warriors stopping to play a game of dice; however, still alert of their surroundin...