// 第一步:匹配加载的页面中是否含有jsvarregDetectJs =/(.|\n|\r\n)*?<\/script>/ig;varjsContained = ajaxLoadedData.match(regDetectJs); // 第二步:如果包含js,则一段一段的取出js再加载执行if(jsContained) {// 分段取出js正则varregGetJS =/((.|\n|\r\n)*)?<\/script>/im; // 按...
* 该方法更多的资料参考MSDNhttp://msdn.microsoft.com/library/en-us/script56/html/js56jsmthApply.asp * 还有一个 call 方法,应用起来和 apply 类似。可以一起研究下。 */ Function.prototype.bind = function(object) { var method = this; return function() { method.apply(object, arguments); } }...
ajax toolkit call 不论当前搜索的数据字段在表结构中是什么类型,使用ajax toolkit query返回的数据类型均为string类型,如果搜索的字段在数据库中存储的value为null,则获取到的值为null,如果当前没有搜索此字段,但是在前台js中有引用到,则值为undefined. 除了针对数据的CRUD外,ajax toolkit 还支持很多操作,比如 提交...
A function to be called if the request succeeds. The function gets passed three arguments: The data returned from the server, formatted according to thedataTypeparameter or thedataFiltercallback function, if specified; a string describing the status; and thejqXHR(in jQuery 1.4.x, XMLHttpRequest...
(xhr.responseText);//返回值传callback}else{//failcallbackobj.error('There was a problem with the request.');}}else{console.log('still not ready...');}};xhr.open(obj.method,obj.url,true);// 设置 Content-Type 为 application/x-www-form-urlencoded// 以表单的形式传递数据xhr.setRequest...
Each method mirrored has three parameters in addition to its regular set of arguments. They are the callback function to call if the method is successful, the callback function to call if the method fails or times out, and the context object to pass to both callbacks. The three ...
Ajax call not hitting code behind c# method Ajax Call using HTTP/2 Alert "Are you sure you want to leave, you will lose your data if you continue!" Alert box with only "OK" button,. how? alert in asp.net server side code alert message and response.redirect alert message not showing...
// url即请求的地址,赋值给动态创建的script标签的src属性 function creatScriptTag(url,callback){ // 一个页面可能会有很多跨域请求,如果回调函数名写死,那么只能用一次 // 随机生成一个函数名,将回调函数以这个随机生成的名字命名 var callbackName = "jsonp" + new Data().getTime() + parseInt(Math...
The prototype and footer for the control's client class in the .js file is defined as shown in Figure 3. Figure 3 Prototype for the Control Client Copy CustomButton.prototype = { initialize : function() { // initialize the base CustomButton.callBaseMethod(this,'initialize'); this._on...
export function get(url,params={},callback){ //判断url地址是否传递 如果没有传递直接报错 if(!url){ throw new Error('地址必须传递') } //新建请求对象 let xhr = new XMLHttpRequest() //设置请求地址 (拼接参数到url) //遍历对象中所有的属性 ...