卖得一手好萌 阿姜布拉姆(Ajahn Brahmavamso;Ajahn Brahm ),1951年出生在一个英国贫困家庭,他拿到奖学金进入剑桥大学 Emmanuel College学习理论物理学。根据他的描述,有一次他在学校的图书馆里偶然翻到一本关于佛教的书,从此以后他就认定自己是一个佛教徒。大学毕业后在英国教了一段时间书,随后前往泰国出家,师从...
, and one of the people there in question time he said ajahn brahm i' ve read that story , i' ve heard it many times , can you please tell it again ...i just wanna hear it live . [ laughter ] so i told that story and it 's a deep story , simple but it actually points ...
Expanding your view by Ajahn Brahm Load video
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Dealing with emotion by Ajahn Brahm Load video