1.Enterthecommandsmitinstall_latest.ThiscommandrunstheSMIT,which presentsamenu-drivenuserinterfacefortheinstallationprocess.Youmust specifytheINPUTdevice/directoryofthesoftware. 2.PressF4toselectfromalistofsuggesteddevicesanddirectories,ortypeinthe nameoftheCD-ROMdeviceorthepathtothelocationofthepackages.Ifyou ...
Thesecommandswilllistanyrunningprocesscontaining“st”,“mx”,or“gm”in theirnames.CMG’ssoftwarefollowsaparticularnamingconventionforits simulators: styyyyxx.exe mxyyyyxx.exe gmyyyyxx.exe whereyyyyistheyearofthereleaseandxxistheversionwithinthatyear.For ...
Commands Reference, Volume 3, i - m lscfg Command Purpose Displays configuration, diagnostic, and vital product data (VPD) information about the system. Syntax To Display Specific Data on all Systems lscfg [ -v ] [ -p ] [ -s ] [ -l Name ] Description If you run the lscfg command ...
Many decades without significant command-line syntax changes Unlike Linux based operating systems Benefits: No man-power lost to relearning different commands No command changes between AIX upgrades Additions features are handled mainly by options Example use: smitty The basic commands like ksh, vi, aw...
Type the following sequence of commands: bosboot -a -d /dev/DestinationDiskName bootlist -m normal DestinationDiskName mkboot -c -d /dev/SourceDiskName 5. Migrate your data by typing the following SMIT fast path: smit migratepv 6. List the physical volumes, and select the source physical ...
Commands Reference, Volume 4, n - r oslevel Command Purpose Reports the latest installed maintenance and technology level of the system. Syntax oslevel [ -l Level | -g | -q ] [-r | -s ] [-f] Description The oslevel command reports the maintenance and technology levels of the operating...
Virtual I/O Server is based on AIX, but normally gives you a restricted shell interface with a limited set of specialized commands. You cannot log in directly as root. 1 Log in to Virtual I/O Server as the prime administrator (padmin). 2 Run the following command: oem_setup_env This...
c.background processes used with the nohup command can be left running after logging off d.background processes used with the nohup command have a higher priority than foreground process C 2.When executed on a single line, which commands will cause a syntax error? a.cd; ./.profile b.ps ...
pluginctl.sh: syntax error at line 240: `admin_api_key=$' unexpected If so, use the Korn shell or Bash (if available). Both were tested successfully in Solaris 10. Debug Mode If you are trying to customize the commands that the Unix Monitor is running, or you are not seeing any ...
Commands Reference, Volume 3, i - m lscfg Command Purpose Displays configuration, diagnostic, and vital product data (VPD) information about the system. Syntax To Display Specific Data on all Systems lscfg [ -v ] [ -p ] [ -s ] [ -l Name ] ...