【摘要】 ifconfig en1 downifconfig en1 detach#删除网卡rmdev -l en1 -drmdev -l ent1 -d#更改名称en0更改为enXrendev -l en0 -n enXrndev -l ent0 -n entX ifconfig en1 down ifconfig en1 detach #删除网卡 rmdev -l en1 -d rmdev -l ent1 -d #更改名称en0更改为enX rendev -l ...
以下过程可能需要几分钟或几小时,并且您可能会多次重新开始,因此这里的关键词是:耐心。 rambo@debian:~$ cat /etc/issue Debian GNU/Linux 12 \n \l rambo@debian:~$ cat /proc/cpuinfo| grep "physical id"| sort| uniq| wc -l 4 rambo@debian:~$ cat /proc/cpuinfo| grep "cpu cores"| uniq ...
Comments 6100-09 - use AIX APAR IJ06789 7100-05 - use AIX APAR IJ06587 7100-05 - use AIX APAR IJ06587 7200-03 - use AIX APAR IJ06732 APAR Information APAR number IJ06587 Reported component name AIX V7.1 Reported component ID ...
IBM SupportIJ05228: VPM FOLDING CHANGES LATENCY SENSITIVE THREAD RUNQ APPLIES TO AIX 7100-05 Contact IBM Privacy Terms of use Accessibility United States — English
IJ03844: CP -P DOES NOT WORK CORRECTLY WITH KERBEROS AUTH APPLIES TO AIX 7100-05 APAR statusClosed as program error.Error descriptioncp -p in Kerberos environment does not change ownership of files like it should Local fixdo not run kerberose ...
Usage: * chpasswd -R load_module -e -f flags | -c *** * RECOMMENDATION: * Install APAR IJ04155. *** Problem conclusion fixing the issue by checking valid argument count. Temporary fix Comments 6100-09 - use AIX APAR IJ04606 7100-05 - use AIX APARIJ04155 7100-05 - use...
操作系统版本:IBM AIX 7100-03-05-1524 ORACLE版本:ORACLEDATABASE 12C12. RAC 二、安装报错 该环境安装的为12c RAC,在节点一执行root.sh脚本时,出现如下信息: 2018/03/2917:11:43CLSRSC-330: ADDing clusterware entriestofile'/etc/inittab'2018/03/2917:13:49CLSRSC-214: Failedtostartthe...
aix_multibos "create a multibos no bootlist" do action :create bootlist true end aix_multibos "create and update a multibos" do action :create update_device "/mnt/7100-03-05-1524" end aix_multibos "remove standby multibos" do action :remove end aix_multibos "update a multibos" do...
3.AIX高级特性和AIX7新功能介绍 1
aix_multibos "create a multibos no bootlist" do action :create bootlist true end aix_multibos "create and update a multibos" do action :create update_device "/mnt/7100-03-05-1524" end aix_multibos "remove standby multibos" do action :remove end aix_multibos "update a multibos" do...