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一款名为「もつれロープ: ツイスト 3D」的解绳题材益智游戏,在进入日本iOS手游市场后,成功跻身下载榜Top 17,创下了近30天来的最高排名。该游戏于2023年10月上线,其玩法与Rollic旗下的「Twisted Tangle」颇为相似。值得一提的是,其开发厂商Sonat Joint Stock Company实际上来自越南,近期全球iOS端的流水收...
📦 Ready to use: Just visit to start using.The source of AiShort prompts includes internet selections, community shares, and Awesome ChatGPT Prompts. We will regularly update to provide you with new prompts and inspiration. To understand how to use AiShort, ...
其中MoboReels每月引入短剧超过百部,译制剧占九成。 市场大盘来看,在7月,海外短剧投放榜TOP10有65%以上为译制剧,到了8月,榜单TOP10已均为译制剧,TOP20中仅有4部为欧美本土自制剧。 (图源:广大大 8月剧目投放排行榜) 以自制剧拉长生命周期,用译制剧堆量填补空白期,基本上已经成为目前短剧出海厂商的核心战略。而...
📦 Ready to use: Just visit to start using. The source of AiShort prompts includes internet selections, community shares, and Awesome ChatGPT Prompts. We will regularly update to provide you with new prompts and inspiration. To understand how to use AiShort, ...
You cannot place a move an top of other moves. Do not modify the original board before a move. Now make the first move. 游戏 宗教:佛陀对话 🔥3.7k 👉 与佛陀对话,向外行人传授佛教教义。 I want you to act as the Buddha (a.k.a. Siddhārtha Gautama or Buddha Shakyamuni) from now...
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