2.1.1 local/prepare_all.sh - stage1:local/prepare_dict.sh #看完之后你会知道其实就是根据 克隆下来的大辞典处理成了想要的各种格式,在这里还不知道他是干嘛用; 1)克隆大辞典:git clonehttps://github.com/aishell-foundation/DaCiDian.git$download_dir 2)运行大辞典脚本:python data/local/DaCiDian/word_...
download_dir = data/local/DaCiDian(从github上下载) output dir = data/local/dict dir/lexicon.txt dir/nonsilence_phones.txt dir/optional_silence.txt dir/extra_questions.txt 2. 生成wav.scp, txt(word-segmented),utt2spk,spk2utt local/prepare_data.sh ${trn_set} data/local/dict data/local/tr...
Download pretrained GE2E model from here [ge2e_ckpt_0.3.zip](https://bj.bcebos.com/paddlespeech/Parakeet/released_models/ge2e/ge2e_ckpt_0.3.zip), and `unzip` it. ## Get Started Assume the path to the dataset is `~/datasets/data_aishell3`. Assume the path to the MFA result of AIS...
Download the pre-trained checkpoints in this repository'srelease page; (checkpoints for a pretrained acoustic model and speaker encoder is provided here. For the pretrained WaveRNN model used in the synthesis demo(debug_syn.ipynb), please seethis repofor information.) ...
However, you have to download the checkpoint manually and properly set the path in the config.yaml file. Preparing your input text The input.txt should be consistent with your setting of emb_type1 to emb_type_n in config file, i.e., same type, same order. To facilitate transcription of...
All vocoders will be ready after runninggit submodule update --force --recursive --init --remote. However, you have to download the checkpoint manually and properly set the path in the config.yaml file. Theinput.txtshould be consistent with your setting of emb_type1 to emb_type_n in con...
All vocoders will be ready after runninggit submodule update --force --recursive --init --remote. However, you have to download the checkpoint manually and properly set the path in the config.yaml file. Preparing your input text Theinput.txtshould be consistent with your setting of emb_type...