首先,你需要有一个AIS_InteractiveContext实例和一个或多个3D对象(这些对象可能是通过其他OCCT类创建的,如TopoDS_Shape)。 2:创建动画对象: 创建一个AIS_AnimationObject的实例,并将其与你要动画化的对象相关联。 3:设置动画属性: 使用AIS_AnimationObject的方法设置动画的持续时间、起始和结束状态等属性。起始和结束...
在OCC(Open CASCADE Technology)中,将`ais_interactiveobject`类型转换为`topods_shape`类型通常涉及到两个步骤: 1.从`ais_interactiveobject`获取几何信息。 2.使用这些几何信息创建一个新的`topods_shape`对象。 以下是一个简单的示例代码,展示如何在OCC中完成此转换: ```cpp #include <BRepPrimAPI_Box.hxx> #...
void AIS_InteractiveContext::Display (const Handle<AIS_InteractiveObject>& theIObj, const Standard_Integer theDispMode, const Standard_Integer theSelectionMode, const Standard_Boolean theToUpdateViewer, const Standard_Boolean theToAllowDecomposition, const PrsMgr_DisplayStatus theDispStatus = PrsMgr_DisplayS...
It was an object and had the correct data inside, but it does not get past the isPlainObject check. The code sandbox shows the relevant parts. Any help would be appreciated. 🔍 Steps to reproduce Add the AisConfigure component to a vue template. Live reproduction Not working but shows my...
JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools - Version 9.2 and later: E1: ORCH: When Trying to Save an Existing Form Service Request To Create a New Request Error Occurs in AIS
/v2/utils/getObjectList/{objectType} Get a list of Objects by Object type and a filter value. Request Supported Media Types application/json Path Parameters Header Parameters jde-AIS-Auth: string jde-AIS-Auth-Device: string jde-AIS-MonitorOnStart: boolean ...
superobject 数组转化的超级对象 how to use step 1 npm install -g cnpm --registry=https://registry.npm.taobao.org cnpm install superobject --save 或者使用 yarn add superobject step 2 最好在全局引用 import 'superobject'; use 一、查询数组内元素为键值对象的信息 ...
E1: ORCH: AIS: Form Request Getting Unrecognized token 'Server': was expecting (JSON String, Number, Array, Object or token 'null', 'true' or 'false') at [Source: (String)"Server returned HTTP response code: 500 (Doc ID 2736964.1)...
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acelebram o presente contrato de subempreitada com o objecto, pelo preço e nos demais termos e condições constantes dos artigos seguintes 他们庆祝subempreitada出席合同与objecto,为价格和在太多期限和以下文章的恒定的情况[translate]