You can download and see your AIS/TIS in PDF Format with one tap You can Import Data from AIS/TIS and transfer it to the concerned authority. You can compare AIS/TIS Data with 26AS form How to Download and View Your AIS/TIS via Gen IT Software Step1: Open Genius software Step2: Aft...
AISalsocanreceivesuchinformationform similarly fitted ships.Thus AISCan automatically monitorandtrace nearbyships,it is propitious to manageships in Marineandsail safely. AISCanwork byanyone ofthetwomannersthatare DSC(Digital Selective Call)andbroadcasting.Thispaperprimarily ...
Yet we might still want AI to have a more human-like form of theory of mind.Humans can clearly explain their goals and desires to each other using common language and ideas.While letting AI form the theory of mind in their learning process is likely to lead to developi...
2022, 10, 1536 P((X) = CRI(Yi ) P(Yi ) +(1− ) Yi i S ( X ) ni N (10) where S(X) represents the set of all target ships that form an encounter relationship17wofit2h1 ship X, ni represents the output degree of ship Yi node, N represents the ...