Social media firestorms pose a significant challenge for firms in the digital age. Tackling firestorms is difficult because the judgments and responses from social media users are influenced by not only the nature of the transgress...
This proposed course of action presents an opportunity to tackle the grand challenge faced by the academic publishing ecosystem while simultaneously asserting the IS community’s proclaimed role as stewards of the digital revolution. It...
See who our annual Danish reading challenge winners are, when they took up the task of reading a minimum of 50 pages in Danish during the Winter Holidays Read More Mr Ryan and Mr Bettger raise over 10.000kr for KnækCancer As part of their Motions Day run, Mr Ryan and Mr Bettger rai...
Human, You Be the Judge!: Beyond the Self-Driving Car Challenge Digital Disruption Beyond Generative AI : Building Next Generation AI and Human-Machine Intelligence Industries-Professions Beyond AI's MEANING-less-ness of [Past] Known Data: Navigating Fog of Unknowingness with Meaning, Knowledge, ...
Documentação do produto Linguagens de desenvolvimento Tópicos Entrar Pesquisar Copilot no Power Automate para desktop (versão preliminar) Executar fluxos da área de trabalho Gerenciar computadores e grupos de computadores Usar credenciais em conexões de fluxo da área de trabalho (versão...
In this paper, various algorithms used for detecting abnormal behaviours of ship are reviewed and commented, and the challenge of researchers in this field faced is then pointed out, in the end, the perspectives in this realm are also proposed. 展开 ...
The VHF antenna whip is built using an epoxy wound filament tube coated with high quality, UV resistant irradiated polyolefin ("heat shrink"). The company that makes this tubing (and helped me with this design challenge) also built the landing gear for NASA's Ingenuity helicopter on Mars, so...
The first challenge of induced sorting is that, during passes over the suffix array, we need to examine each value to determine if it represents a valid position or an empty space, whether this position is not the beginning of the string (and thus could induce another position), and if th...
Escholier’s narrator refers to Fofana as a jack of all trades in the spirit of Panurge and Figaro, which brings to mind a talented yet subversive temperament who is not afraid to challenge authority. While there is just the one allusion to Figaro, the Rabelaisian character becomes a leit...
Power Platform Power Fx Ler en inglés Gardar Compartir por Facebookx.comLinkedInCorreo electrónico Artigo 03/22/2024 3 colaboradores Comentarios Neste artigo Descripción Requisitos previos Use en aplicacións de lenzo Sintaxe Exemplos Aplícase a:aplicacións Canvas ...