Airtel Payments Bank IFSC Code States, where Airtel Payments Bank has branch(es) are listed here. Please choose your state to find Airtel Payments Bank IFSC code. Find Airtel Payments Bank IFSC Code, Address list of all Airtel Payments Bank branches First select your bank, select the state, ...
在此之前,如果你想转账给其他人,需要通过印度官方提供的转账服务平台IMPS(Immediate Payments Serives),翻译为“即时支付服务”,但是这个就不是太方便了。因为通过IMPS转账,需要银行账户,账户姓名,还有IFSC(Indian Financial SystemCode 用来识别发卡机构)。以下是用银行客户端,paytm,Google pay进行IMPS转账。 这样转账操作...
IFSC :AIRP0000001 Bank Details:Airtel Payments Bank Limited Airtel Payments Branch AIRP0000001 Location:Gurgoan, Gurgoan City:Gurgoan District:Gurgoan State:Haryana Pincode: Country:IN Address:Airtel center, plat no-16, udyog vihar, phase-4, gurgoan ...