Manual installation Upgrading an installation Migrating to OpenWebRX 1.0 RHEL specific notes Configuration User Management Configuration Bookmarks Background decoding How to get openwebrx stats into collectd Device specific notes Airspy HF+ and Discovery Airspy R2 / Mini HackRF Perseus HF receiver RT...
The AirSpy Mini/R2 requires careful gain configuration as described here. As outlined in that reference there are three different gain modes: linearity, sensitivity and so-called free. These can be set via the -gmswitch when using the AirSpy. We can activate 'linearity' mode with gain 10using...
Airspy did a fantastic job with the Mini and R2, so I expect the same or better from this offering. If it is even close to the specs provided then it is well worth the price in my opinion. Putting it on my shortlist. 0 Reply LemeurSabre Reply to KD0CQ 7 years ago My...
This is not an issue with my Airspy Mini. 1 Reply NLA 3 years ago SDR++ v1.0.4 was released today allowing Low IF mode which got rid of the center spike issue with my RSP units. Working good so far using “LowIF 2048Khz, IFBW 5000KHz”. I wish the spike was not present ...
This package will add the AIS-catcher command - a dual channel AIS receiver for RTL-SDR dongles (including the ShipXplorer AIS dongle), AirSpy (Mini/R2/HF+), HackRF, SDRPlay (RSP1/RSP1A/RSPDX for now), SoapySDR, input from file as well as from ZMQ and TCP servers (RTL-TCP/SpySer...
dabMini, i.e. the small version for just listening to a service, is obsolete, the source can be found as subdirectory in the "obsolete" directory. A note on showing a map Since some time the Qt-DAB versions have a button labeledhttp, when touched, a small webserver starts that can ...
Airspy R2andAirspy Miniare supported through the libairspy library that should be installed in your system for proper build of the software and operation support. Please note that if you are using a recent version of libairspy (>= 1.0.6) the dynamic retrieval of sample rates is supported. ...
This repository presents theAIS-catchersoftware, a versatile dual-channel AIS receiver that is compatible with a wide range of Software Defined Radios (SDRs). These include RTL-SDR dongles (such as the ShipXplorer AIS dongle and RTL SDR Blog v4), AirSpy (Mini/R2/HF+), HackRF, SDRPlay, ...
This repository presents theAIS-catchersoftware, a versatile dual-channel AIS receiver that is compatible with a wide range of Software Defined Radios (SDRs). These include RTL-SDR dongles (such as the ShipXplorer AIS dongle and RTL SDR Blog v4), AirSpy (Mini/R2/HF+), HackRF, SDRPlay, ...
This repository presents theAIS-catchersoftware, a versatile dual-channel AIS receiver that is compatible with a wide range of Software Defined Radios (SDRs). These include RTL-SDR dongles (such as the ShipXplorer AIS dongle and RTL SDR Blog v4), AirSpy (Mini/R2/HF+), HackRF, SDRPlay, ...