Community Reviews and Demos on YouTube1 / 7 Next » Airspy HF+ Discovery - Overview & Brief Testing Ultra-portable field SDR: AirSpy HF+, GPD Win, Sony loop antenna How to Spy on Computer Monitors | TempestSDR Tutorial (with an Airspy) 5 Cool Things You Can Do With An AIRSPY SDR ...
in order to increase the already great dynamic range. However, it was deemed too difficult for users to retrofit their devices. The result was the creation of the HF+ Discovery, which combines these preselectors with the already excellent HF+ SDR circuitry....
TheAirspy HF+ Discoveryis a smaller, lighter and improved version of the Airspy HF+ which is an HF and VHF SDR with very high dynamic range. The Discovery builds on the HF+ by adding low loss preselectors. This increases the dynamic range even further, and allows the Discovery to compete...
Connect as many SDR applications as needed to theHF+ Discovery, over the Internet or in your own local network with near zero latency thanks to the new SPY Server software. This setup basically brings all the flexibility of Web based SDRs while still benefiting from the full power of desktop...
Airspy HF + Discovery 在2018年初,Airspy推出了HF +双端口,很快成为一个成功的基于调谐器的价格低廉的SDR。 现在下一代产品出现了! “Airspy HF + Discovery”。 Airspy的所有者,SDR接收器及其软件开发商Youssef Touil并没有满足原有的成功,而是开发了迭代产品HF + Discovery。为什么在这么短的时间之后又有了新...
SWLing Post reviews: Coastal DXing Guy Atkins’ First Impressions and comparison with ELAD DuoR Ivan’s Blind Daytime Prop Comparison Fenu’s Prototype Review Retailers: Airspy Distributors Search eBay for a used HF+ Discovery Resources: SWLing Post articles that feature the HF+ Discovery ...
> LISM > Airspy HF+ Discovery SDR 软件定义接收机 便携 短波高性能 SDR# HF+现货 铭之铭工控自动化专营店 关注店铺 手机下单 进店逛逛|关注店铺 关注 京东价 ¥降价通知 累计评价 0 促销 展开促销 配送至 --请选择-- 支持 品牌名称:LISM 商品型号:- ...
作者的Airspy HF+ Discovery(笔记本电脑左边的小黑盒) 对Airspy HF+ Discovery SDR的简短评论 作者:Mario Filippi (N2HUN) 我最近购买了一台AirSpy HF+ Discovery。作为一个拥有超过60年经验的SWL,拥有许多制造商的短波电台,如Drake, Yaesu, Icom, Zenith, Kenwood, Panasonic, Sony, Radio Shack, Grundig, CountyC...
This app lets you run your AirSpy HF+ / Discovery on your Mac, in macOS, without the need for Windows! It only works with the AirSpyHF+ and Discovery, no other AirSpy versions. It works well with SdrDx, which IMHO is the best SDR app out there for the Mac. SdrDx can be downloade...
Airspy HF + Discovery 在2018年初,Airspy推出了HF +双端口,很快成为一个成功的基于调谐器的价格低廉的SDR。 现在下一代产品出现了! “Airspy HF + Discovery”。 Airspy的所有者,SDR接收器及其软件开发商Youssef Touil并没有满足原有的成功,而是开发了迭代产品HF + Discovery。为什么在这么短的时间之后又有了新...