ALSAirside and Landside(aviation) ALSAssignment and Licensing System(Canada) ALSAccident Localization System ALSAutomated List Service ALSAT&T Local Service ALSArea Licensing System ALSAceto Lactate Synthase ALSAustralian Lifeguard Service(Surf Life Saving Australia) ...
(Aeronautics) the part of an airport nearest the aircraft, the boundary of which is the security check, customs, passport control, etc. Comparelandside1 Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007...
Also found in:Dictionary. airside the part of an airport nearest the aircraft, the boundary of which is the security check, customs, passport control, etc. Collins Discovery Encyclopedia, 1st edition © HarperCollins Publishers 2005 Movement area of an airport, including adjacent terrain and build...
This paper evaluates the operational performance of airside and landside at Chinese airports with two novel inputs. Furthermore, the airport landside operation is decomposed into passenger-terminal operations and cargo-warehouse operations. One novel input is the capability of the runway system which ...
Business. Our real-time solutions comprise both monitoring advanced technologies for asset management, as well as operation and maintenance applications for airside and landside assets, with the benefit of universal remote-control systems, capable of decentralizing airport and multi-airport operations. ...
"Airport Information Systems--Landside Management Information Systems". Intelligent Information Management, 2015, 7, 130-138.Marks, Adam, Kees Rietsema, and AL-Ali Maytha. "Airport Information Systems--Landside Management Information Systems." Intelligent Information Management 7.03 (2015): 129....
Airport officials have admitted they are struggling to integrate landside and airside security measures in a seamless manner, after the bombings at Brussels and Istanbul airports underscored the vulnerability of public areas. The arrivals area in an airport is "definitely the big problem today", Alexi...
The efficiency of airport airside operations is often compromised by unplanned disruptive events of different kinds, such as bad weather, strikes or technical failures, which negatively influence the punctuality and regularity of operations, causing serious delays and unexpected congestion. They may provoke...
accessibility considerations.•We combine landside and airside accessibilities to form a regional air transportation accessibility profile.•The profile is used as a criterion to evaluate airport location patterns.•The model is applied to the Yantai/Weihai area and the Beijing/Tianjin region in ...
Therefore, we will not address any other airspace or landside operations or unexpected events such as emergencies. However, when aiming for the overall performance of a vertiport, all three domains must be taken into account including contingency and emergency scenarios. 2.2.1. Demand-to-Capacity...