You can also use the AirPrint server with other laptop and desktop systems on your network, effectively turning any standard USB printer into a fully networked printer. This compact server supports 802.11b/g/n standards and features an easy-to-use web interface as well as print management softw...
让普通USB打印机支持airprint (三) 2、设定完成重启后即可正式安装打印服务需要的组件。几条命令即可: $> sudo apt update 更新软件库索引 $> sudo apt install avahi-daemon, cups, hplip 安装打印支持软...
安装和配置文件和打印服务器 - Windows
Step 1. 开启打印机共享 首先,我们依然需要将 USB 打印机连接到 Windows 设备上,并且在网络中开启「网络发现」。 然后在 Windows 上打开「控制面板 > 硬件和声音 > 设备和打印机」,找到需要共享的打印机,点击右键选择「打印机属性」,最后在「共享」选项卡中勾选「共享这台打印机」。 Step 2. 配置「转接」服...
第一步:群晖安装打印机 打印机USB连接群晖,打印机开机后应该就可以在群晖控制面板的外接设备里看到打印...
WiFi-less AirPrint-capable Printer connected to router USB I have an AirPrint-capable printer connected via USB to the print server port of my router. WiFi is disabled on both the printer and the router as I have given 2.4 GHz the boot. Unfortunately, in this configuration iOS/iPadOS ...
首先,我们依然需要将 USB 打印机连接到 Windows 设备上,并且在网络中开启「网络发现」。 然后在 Windows 上打开「控制面板 > 硬件和声音 > 设备和打印机」,找到需要共享的打印机,点击右键选择「打印机属性」,最后在「共享」选项卡中勾选「共享这台打印机」。
I got around this by configuring an AirPrint (Bonjour) print server running cups Bonjour print services, this is open source, from Apple, (cost me $50) which connects via USB to the printer, only pulls 5 volts and solved my printing problem without having to buy a new expensive laser. ...
Before creating an AirPrint server on Raspberry Pi, first you need to create a printer network that requires CUPS and Samba, just follow the steps given below to get printer network on Raspberry Pi: Step 1: Execute the following command in the terminal to update your Raspberry Pi: ...
首先,我们依然需要将 USB 打印机连接到 Windows 设备上,并且在网络中开启「网络发现」。 然后在 Windows 上打开「控制面板 > 硬件和声音 > 设备和打印机」,找到需要共享的打印机,点击右键选择「打印机属性」,最后在「共享」选项卡中勾选「共享这台打印机」。