我们使用可选的 Cookie,通过社交媒体连接等方式改善你在我们网站上的体验,并且根据你的在线活动投放个性化的广告。 如果你拒绝可选 Cookie,则我们将仅使用为你提供服务所必须的 Cookie。 你可以单击页面底部的“管理 Cookie”更改你的选择。隐私声明 第三方 Cookie 接受 拒绝 管理Cookie ...
1.从上述的解压包中找到“AirPrint iOS 5 FIX”注册表文件,并以管理员身份运行导入(按照实际系统情况选择32位或64位)。2.在AirPrint Installer主界面“AirPrintAuth”下方选择“Windows User Account”,用户名自动默认系统账户。注意不要勾选下方的“Enable Guest Account(允许来宾账户)”与“Allow ...
1、首先,将你普通打印机连接并添加到Windows电脑,并且通过电脑可以正常打印Word等文档,如图所示。2、然后,确保已经将Windows电脑连接到无线路由器的网络(和iPhone, iPad属于同一局域网LAN),你可以通过网线和WiFi连接到该路由器的局域网。3、接着,下载并安装Air Printer by Feiphone软件,可到feiphone....
通过AirPrint,你可以轻松地从iOS和OS X App中传输无损照片和打印文稿。 配置AirPrint电脑服务器 以Windows 7系统为例配置AirPrint服务器,下载安装最新的iTunes软件,并将AirPrint服务器连接的网络与iOS系统设备配置到同一网段中,然后再在“控制面板→设备和打印机”中将AirPrint服务器上的打印机设置为共享(在“打印机...
Hi, In Windows and Linux, it's possible to ask a printer to print content programmatically in Black & White. This may be referred to as "Monochrome", "Grayscale", "B&W", depending on the device driver. For feature parity with other operating systems, I'd like to do the same -- pro...
Make sure you have already installed your USB printer on the Windows PC/Server where you want to install the ezeep Connector. Activate the printer for yourself by assigning the printer to you in My Printers. You can also share printers with friends, family or employees – if you are ...
Step 5Use the printer app's functions to preview, modify, or save the file. When you're finished, click Print to send the document to a printer. 4. Use Your Computer as an Intermediary for Wired Printers You can connect any old printer to your iPhone by using a macOS or Windows PC ...
HP Smart Advance is a productivity tool in the HP Smart app that offers advanced scanning and other document processing features. HP Smart Advance is available on eligible HP printers. AND HP printers - Using advanced scanning features (HP Smart app) Example - HP Smart - Win...
Just installed and started printing from my iPad to my Windows shared color laser printer. Just so you know. B boonleng macrumors regular Aug 30, 2007 126 0 United States Nov 23, 2010 #137 I sure hope AirPrint will gain back the print via shared printer. Otherwise my app is jus...
CentOS 6.2 + CUPS + AirPrint for iOS 混合环境下的打印方法的选择。 So we share our printer via IPP using CUPS. What the heck is IPP? It's just printing over HTTP. Why use IPP versus, say, Windows Printer Sharing? Simple: we've got a mixed environment of Windows XP, Windows 7, OS...