1 1.访问Airport Utility下载页面并点击“Download Airport Utility for Windows”。2 2.单击下载。3 3.单击AirPortSetup.exe。4 4.选择下一步。5 5.选择“我接受许可协议中的条款”,然后单击下一步。6 6.选择下一步。7 7.选择安装。在此之后,当用户帐户控制窗口提示时,您必须选择是两次。8 8.选择完成。
AirPort Utility, free download for Windows. Software for configuring and managing Apple's AirPort routers and Wi-Fi networks from Windows.
必须打开。快捷轻松的安装 其它无线路由器需要你做所有的工作 - 从解译晦涩的指令到找到输入密码的位置。AirPort Utility for Mac 和 Windows 会帮你完成大部分的工作,指导你轻松快捷地完成安装。大多数情况下,设置无线网络会比你冲一杯咖啡的时间还短。插入电源,开始设置,即刻体验 对于大多数的基本设...
如何安装 CrossOver 运行AirPort Utility 5.6.1 点击上方的下载试用版按钮,即可获得为期 14 天的 CrossOver 全功能试用版。下载 CrossOver 后,请观看左侧的教程视频,或查看CrossOver Mac攻略了解具体步骤。在您安装、运行 CrossOver 后,就可以返回本页面,点击第二步按钮,或跟着手动安装指南,开始安装您的 Windows 应...
AirPort Utility for the iPhone and iPad is very different from AirPort Utility for Windows. Each has a different setup process and you cannot mix one with the other. Try another Hard Reset Power up the AirPort Extreme and let it run for a minute or two Hold in the reset button for 7...
I do not think that you will be able to install AirPort Utility for a PC on your laptop because it was designed to run on Windows 7. Apple never updated AirPort Utility for the PC after that time. Unfortunately, kind of a Catch 22. You need to have the iPad connected to the Internet...
Key to our hierarchical model is the fact that, as mentioned before, the decisions taken by each player (either as a group or individually) affect the utility (in terms of revenues and costs) of the other players and, in turn, are affected by such decisions. For instance, the airlines’...
Animated custom utility vehicles (AES Lite, or animated for DX10 user) Use of LOD technique for best possible performance Custom made AFCAD file with airline parking codes Remaining Europier terminal can be selected as an option (will soon be demolished) ...
“dramatically reduced”; the hotel’s now-lone pool deck would have a “decorative” 10-foot security wall; all of the guest-room balconies were scrapped; and each room would have a “glass-break detector system” that would alert security if anyone tampered with the...
如果你正使用 Mac OS X Leopard,通过 Finder 边栏中的硬盘驱动器图标,你随时可以访问文件和文件夹,简单易用的 AirPort Disk Utility 为 Mac OS X Tiger 和 Windows 用户提供更多的设置选项,包括,一经连接到网络,你就可以将磁盘设置为共享,一切由你做主。