步骤1 AirPort Extreme A1521 Teardown We snapped up this 2013 rendition of the AirPort Extreme, which was announced at WWDC just one day prior to its release. Spoiler alert: it's TALL. The winner of this year's "tallest wireless router that is white, roughly rectangular, and has an ...
AirPort Extreme a1521是最后一代 airporta1523 购机 自己想趁着过年的空余,为自己增添一个随手的上网本。考虑过Apple Air,的确很吸引,性能可以,重量很轻,电池很好,非常适合随身携带。如果能顺利从香港带回来的话,需要RMB 6.5K左右。 比较过,Apple的工业标准很高,但是价格也很贵。我决定尝试一下用合适的价格购买够...
Using a metal spudger, gently pry the cover off the bottom of the device. 步骤2 Four black internal wires, three thin and one thick, are connected to the logic board: three by small end clips and one by a larger end clip. Handle the clips gently; they break easily. ...
步骤步骤1—AirPortExtreme的的A1521拆解拆解 我们收购了这个2013的移交AirPortExtreme的,这是在WWDC上宣布仅仅一天发布前的。剧透:这 是高。今年的获奖者“最高的无线路由器是白色的,大致呈长方形,并且顶部有一个苹果的标志”奖 还拥有: 选址的802.11a/b/G/N/交流 ...
AirPort Extreme A1521 Teardown返回指南 英语 中文 上一步 下一步 正翻译步骤 9 步骤9 Next on our path of deconstruction, we work on the shiny plate that caps the innards of the Extreme, and just happens to be the new-and-improved antenna array. The six antenna cables run under the...
天猫Apple AirPort Extreme 苹果无线路由器A1521 ME918 千兆无线基站-淘宝网历史价格和网友评论,海淘商品名Apple AirPort Extreme 苹果无线路由器A1521 ME918 千兆无线基站-淘宝网
在淘宝,您不仅能发现全新 苹果APPLE Time Capsule A1521 A1470 AirPort Extreme 风扇的丰富产品线和促销详情,还能参考其他购买者的真实评价,这些都将助您做出明智的购买决定。想要探索更多关于全新 苹果APPLE Time Capsule A1521 A1470 AirPort Extreme 风扇的信息,请来
AirPort Extreme A1521, 2.4Ghz limited to 72Mbps Hello, I have this AirPort, and while 5Ghz radio works fine as expected, 2.4Ghz only connects at 72Mbps. Since my phone is 2x2 device, even at 20Mhz channel this should be able to connect at 144 - and it does to other routers. So...
I purchased my new AirPort Extreme last week and I've been noticing the following problem with my iPhone 5 (iOS 6.1.4): When connecting via WiFi to my AirPort Extreme 802.11ac (A1521) with firmware 7.7.1, it will eventually stop working after a while for no reason! The problem is tha...
AirPort Extreme a1521是最后一代 一个随手的上网本。考虑过Apple Air,的确很吸引,性能可以,重量很轻,电池很好,非常适合随身携带。如果能顺利从香港带回来的话,需要RMB 6.5K左右。 比较过,Apple的工业标准很高,但是价格也很贵。我决定尝试一下用合适的价格购买够用的装备。选择过Acer AO521 AO721,都缺货,AO735...