基多 机场三字码 城市名基多 城市名(英文)QUITO 机场三字码UIO 机场四字码 机场名称基多 机场名称(英文)Quito-Mariscal Sucre Intl Airport 国家(地区)代码EC 国家(地区)名称厄瓜多尔 纬度-0.1433981 经度-78.491022
City QuitoCountry/Region Ecuador (EC) Type Customs Hub for XL Latitude -0.141144 Longitude -78.4882 Time Zone -05:00 Phone Number +593 2-395-4260 CHECK THE AIR FREIGHT RATES TO UIOMariscal Sucre International Airport (IATA code: UIO, ICAO code: SEQM) is the busiest airport in Ecuador an...
机场三字码查询 关键字: 城市名机场三字码机场四字码机场名称英文名称 基多UIO基多QUITO 伊基托斯IQT伊基托斯IQUITOS
Find Airport city codes Alphabetically Worldwide. You will see a list of airport abbreviations for all the countries in the world beginning with the 3 letter code. Find the name of the country you're interested in beside the 3 letter code and you will have your 3 letter airport code. Note...
Oslo - Fornebu Norway FBU Oslo - Sandefjord Norway TRF Ottawa - Hull Canada YOW Ouadda Central African Republic ODA Ouarzazate Morocco OZZ Oudtshoorn South Africa OUH Ouagadougou Burkina Faso OUA Oujda Morocco OUD Oulu Finland OUL Out Skerries (Shetland) United Kingdom OUK ...
Mariscal Sucre International Airport of Quito has reached a historic milestone by becoming the first airport in Latin America and the Caribbean to receive Level 4+ 'Transition' certification in the Carbon Footprint Accreditat...
Quito Airport obtains the Best Regional Airport in South America Award for 7th time Skytrax, the main organization that evaluates the service offered by airports and airlines worldwide, announced recently the winners of the World Ai...
Wingo– Aruba, Cancun, Caracas, Curaçao,Havana, Mexico City, Panama City, Punta Cana, Quito and San Jose (Costa Rica) The most popular international flight locations at the Bogotá airport in 2023 were Madrid, Mexico City and London. And the most popular national flight locations at the ...
Quito Mariscal Sucre Intl UIO Sala VIP Internacional San Cristobal San Salvador San Salvador San Cristobal El Salvador Intl El Salvador Intl SCY SAL SAL Magma Lounge Aeroconnections VIP Lounge 2 Aeroconnections VIP Lounge 23 Country Guatemala Guatemala Guyana Honduras Honduras Honduras Honduras Honduras ...
“Our commitment to the growth of Quito’s air connectivity and continuous improvement is unwavering. We are proud to invest in the future of our airport and in the comfort of our passengers. This project not only strengthens our infrastructure, but also drives the economic and social development...