Jonesy served as a U.S. Air Force Lieutenant and was an air traffic controller in Southeast Asia at the end of the Vietnam War. He was chairman of the Pinehurst (NC) Airport Authority for eight years. An active pilot with more than 4,000 hours in the left seat, he’s the proud ow...
2. If you’re not intimately familiar with the airport, askhow long it will taketo get from the lounge to the boarding gate for your flight. Allow extra time if you've got to wheel a trolley bag through the crowds andif there’s an additional layer ofsecurity at the boarding gate, s...
check by the airport ID office. Ensuring the security of the airside pass issuance process requires validation from various third parties. This process, currently lasting from 1 to 3 months and relying on trust between parties for information, is prone to errors and the misuse of authority. ...